D836 【国防部】指令 / DoSD Order【重要】

Day 836, 14:56 Published in China China by Ministry of SinoDefence
请国民维持高体力过夜(最好100体力),尽量在最后一次登录的时候再战斗和去 医 院.

根据情报,匈牙利下一任总统把高油的北京 设定为国家目标,他承诺当选 后会放弃匈牙利 一贯 的防御姿态,极有可能与俄国联手进攻北京,然后让塞尔维亚把 中国和匈牙利隔开.目前国 防部正在和内阁讨论对策,在此期间,衷心希望大家能保持高体力(最好100体力),并 且移动到北京.

According to the information gathered from the potential president of Hungary's newspaper article. This new president-to-be has targeted Beijing. It is highly possible that Hungary will ally with Russia and leave behind all defensive lines and go all out. Then, it is likely that they will use Serbia to separate themselves from us. At the moment, the defense department is discussing on strategies to fight against potential attacks. Please maintain 100 wellness and move to Beijing.
Translate by Rui Lin

The target region; Bejing:
A comprehensive plan, we started to think about Asia, which in several directions, with several countries in China. Bejing has long been the high oil stick on eyes, the Russians against the abolition of MPP-k benefit. We try to account for all eventualities.

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更新:菲律宾刚刚与中国进行了换地,目前的青海战场是演习,但是请国民注意尽量能在游 戏中一天的最后时间打仗,真正的战斗随时会爆发,请密切关注本报。