Congress With Troubles

Day 405, 06:53 Published in USA USA by zigon1

I have ran the the congress beacuse I wanted to change America my first proposal was not suposed to be accepted it was a brain proposal it was for thinking the oil and plane prices will go up but beacuse that it wasnt so the prices whent down.
The political "Ego" in the makes me crazy every one thinks about himself and not about the community.
I have thinked in the last days about opening a party for the unity of the USA people.
The party will unite the American people,
we will go out and counqer and for sure we will not be traitos like the uswp how helped our enemies in the battle that is here.
I already have as many as gold as I need.
But before this I need to have a breack from this political madnes!
So I will go to a litle trip in a place with freedom,
freedom of speech,
political freedom and the freedom to live as a human.
But as many of you know this cannot be as a congress man.
So in the last hours I thought to myself.
From one side all these things I talked about above and from the other side: The people how voted me I thank them for the votes but still the things I wrote above are stronger then you- the voters.
I am really sorry that I let the thilthy USWP my place but this political madnes kills me from within.
So between this hours I will think about risgning from my congress place for the USWP man
I hope you voters will forget this beacuse you will see once that this political madnes is just crazy!
I hope one day you will get it,
and I hope I will stay.
