Congress Elections 25D

Day 393, 08:38 Published in USA Spain by davduke

Hello fellow eCitizens. I find it necessary to explain exactly what I stand for and what I plan to achieve if elected as your congressman of Tennessee.

Defense System
Tennessee is blessed to have a Q3 Hospital, but we can always do better, as congressman, I will strive to supply Tennessee with the best of the best.

Minimum Wage
I fully support the current minimum wage, but urge all congresspeople to keep a wary eye on the rising prices, the 1.00 USD minimum wage may need to be adjusted according to rising prices in food and gifts. The same goes for the New Citizen Fee.

We need a war to bring back the dying parts of our economy, namely the Gifts, Weapons, Iron and Diamond areas. Whether this be through WarGames or an actual war, no one can can disagree that this economy will begin to suffer without a war soon. No one can say however, that a world war would be good, and I do not think a world war is necessary for this stimulus.

My History
I have been long time living here,I have played the game for over 4 months, my origins are Hispanic (my family is spanish) but always I have defended the USA, I am collaborating and hard work always.

I log in Erepublik for about an hour to 2 a day to run my business and see whats happening.

thanks for you vote