Concurs Romania on "Erepublik Official Wiki" [ III ]

Day 386, 21:40 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci

Romania - Pagina eRomaniei pe Wiki

* 1 Society
o 1.1 Regions of Romania -
o 1.2 Population
o 1.3 Hospitals
o 1.4 Defense Systems
* 2 Economy
o 2.1 Taxes
o 2.2 Country trading embargoes
* 3 Politics
o 3.1 Constitution of Romania
o 3.2 Presidents
o 3.3 Congress
o 3.4 Mayors in Romania
o 3.5 Political Parties
* 4 Military
o 4.1 MPP
o 4.2 Treaty Of ATLANTIS
o 4.3 Wars
* 5 Media
o 5.1 Most Distributed Papers
* 6 External Links

After that we have 33 regions and each region must have the same template.

* 1 Society - Some data about the region , population number , etc
o 1.1 Hospital - Image with the hospital from the region
o 1.2 Defense Systems - Image with the defense system from region
* 2 Geography - The region of Banat is neighbored by the following regions: ...
* 3 Region Productivity - What productivity have the region
* 4 Mayors - List of all mayors from beta
* 5 Congressman - Table with all Congressman and candidates from this area , presence and votes for all. Only on V1
* 6 Citizens - Top 5 Citizens from Region
* 7 Media - Top 5 Newspaper from Region with owner , link and subsribers or Top 5 Citizen from region
* 8 Last Update - Last update on this region was on 11.12.2008 , and you can add also if you want by Name

Templetes : Banat

In functie de cati suntem , vom avea fiecare un numar fix de regiuni de updatat saptamanal.. 4 sau 5 de persoana

P.S. Seductiv te rog cand mai updatezi sa nu mai stergi partea cu mayors si media. Multumesc.

Deasemenea mai sunt de o importanta capitala paginile :
* Congress of Romania -
* List of Mayors -

Trebuiesc facute pagini pentru :
* FAR , FTR , FNR , VM , SM
* Guvern , Istorie , Rezultate
* Istoria politica si militara a eRomaniei
* etc , etc

Noul Colectiv Wiki

Inovatori :
۞ Edwardo - 5,00 Gold

Editori [ 10 ] :
۞ OchiReci - Moldova ,
۞ eQ - 100,00 Ron
۞ dani36 - 100,00 Ron - Banat , Transilvania, Oltenia
۞ Fish Face - 100,00 Ron
۞ Florea Vlad - 100,00 Ron
۞ Hattor - 100,00 Ron
۞ ionutzsteaua - 100,00 Ron - Maramures ,
۞ Seductiv - 100,00 Ron
۞ Dumoras - 100,00 Ron - Muntenia , Dobrogea , Chisinau
۞ Robius - 100,00 Ron
۞ Edwardo - 100,00 Ron
Suntem 11 editori si pentru inceput aveam 33 de regiuni de scris si corelat la un nivel de decenta informationala. Fiecare de pe lista va avea 3 regiuni de completat iar mai apoi de updatat regulat , o data pe saptamana. Id-ul meu de mess este : , uni de pe lista il aveti alti nu ... sper sa facem o conferinta curand toti pentru a ne repartiza regiunile.

Corectori [ 3 ] :
۞ Anonymus
۞ Thunderhead - 100,00 Ron
۞ Iluvatar - 100,00 Ron
Trei corectori doar , as prefera sa fie 5-6 si fiecare sa aiba 6 regiuni de corectat saptamanal pentru inceput

Designeri [ 0 ] :
Inca astept imagini si grafica pentru wiki si voluntari pentru postul de wiki designer.

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