Checkmate [Official Analysis of the Russian War]

Day 413, 06:27 Published in Argentina Romania by dsalageanu

Dear citizens of Argentina,

As a final step in my mandate as eRomanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, I would like to present you the line of events in our engagement on the Russian front.

About a week ago, the Romanian Army, with the approval of the Norwegian President Salve, crossed the Norwegian border in order to start a Resistance War in the Moscow region and successfully attached the region to Russia, opening a common border with Russia. Consecutively, Romania declared war on Russia and occupied the region without significant resistance.

Our next move was to start a Resistance War in the Northern Region (again in Norway, with proper acceptance from the Norwegian leadership) in order to create a link to the Russian Western Siberian region, which was the military target of this campaign, a region with high iron, wood and oil resources, which, except iron, are not available in eRomania. After an unsuccessful attempt (for whatever reasons), we have achieved to liberate the Northern Region and to prepare the next steps.

In the mean time, Russia has successfully secured MPP’s with 6 PEACE countries, among which Indonesia, Italy and Iran, which we consider to be great military powers of the New World. Romania benefitted from the great support from allied Atlantis troops but nevertheless, as aggressors, stood without MPP’s and with a thin backup due to the global war.

Next followed a direct military confrontation in the battle for the Northern Region, a battle which broke many records in of the warfare in the New World, the Romanian Army placing a incredible amount of damage and defeating the strongest armies of the PEACE alliance, all fighting “from home”, with the aid of the MPP’s. This incredible achievement was secured in parallel to a very serious engagement of the Romanian Army in the Argentine war, where we have secured a more than fair amount of damage.

Of course, even with this overwhelming victory, PEACE forces were doubting our ability or determination to invest an enormous amount of resources in securing our military objectives and, much like everybody else, were expecting French Toast all over again.

Our only valid options were to direct our efforts in two distinct directions:
1. Consuming as much as possible the resources of our enemies before the next all-out confrontation
2. Convincing the PEACE alliance that there WILL BE a next all-out confrontation and distracting their attention from our war tactics.

We have used a fair amount of propaganda and the Romanian Intelligence Service had many sleepless nights, but I have to say we had a lot of fun. Ombrone (the italian officer who “flanked” me) and I “danced” a lot in several articles and it felt a little like the Cold War, which was great.

Militarily, we have opened every 23 hours and 57 minutes new regions (Black Earth region, Volga-Vyatka and then Black Earth again), in order to consume the resources of our enemies and to keep the war initiative in our hands, achieving to convince the PEACE alliance to invest around 200k - 250k in damage placed in evasive manoeuvres. Of course, PEACE intelligence realized that we pull an erosion tactics, so that only a part of the estimated damage was heavily resource-consuming. Nevertheless, the Battle for the Northern Region closing at -4k in damage, we were credible in our effort.

Yesterday morning, day 411 of the New World, official eRepublik time 23:58, a Romanian agent was nominated for Presidential Elections in Russia and entered the race (no bug, trust me, just a severe misunderstanding of what “official eRepublik time” means). Both presidential candidates in Romania with credible chances of success decided to support this mission, even if endangering their own campaign back home.

Yesterday evening, more than 150 members of the Romanian Army crossed the Norwegian borders again, prepared to change the results in the Russian elections. Yesterday, day 412 of the new world, 09:30 eRepublik time, our troops crossed the Russian border from Norway and secured the presidential office in Russia.

Today, we will trigger the following line of events. Romania will open new battles in the Volga-Vyatka and Western Siberian Regions, as we have kept the war initiative and we will have it until the closure of the Black Earth region (which is tonight, approx. 11:56 eRepublik time). The Russian President will then use the “Retreat Troops” button in every region, thus capitulating in the name of Russia all battles, more than 12 hours before the President Impeachment becomes effective.

As a consequence, all Russian regions will be annexed to Romania and Russia will cease to exist on the map of the New World. All MPP’s will PEACE will be automatically erased, so will all Hospitals and Defence Systems.


So, what will happen next? First, we will install a Q5 Defence System and a Q5 Hospital in the Western Siberian region, which we have in stock for way before this campaign ever started. It will be our third full-Q5 region, which we intend to keep indefinitely. Our troops will remain stationed in the Western Siberian region until we have moved enough population in oder to make the wall safe enough.

The resources we have gathered for an “all-out” conquer (which would have created us some economic difficulties with all the “f***k Sparta” propaganda), scenario which was FEASIBLE bit economically toxic, will be kept for defense or preemptive strikes on any aggression upon our new or old territory.

Russia had to be wiped out, in order to kill the MPP’s and to enforce a rapid peace and to avoid another French scenario. Russia will be liberated probably, but this is no longer my job. Smif, the new Romanian president, as well as the Romanian congress have full authority to decide on this matter and to negotiate with the ex-Russian leadership.

The resources conquered will be put to good use, to all interested countries with whom we are not at war with. As we came to the conclusion that economy canot follow the artificial paths described by foreign politics, I guess both Atlantis and PEACE countries lacking those resources can benefit from them. We will make sure to adjust our tax system to make the exploitation of these resources profitable for everybody. Of course, the very high competitivity for the human resources in Romania are encouraging foreign countries to send their own people for mining, lumbering and drilling operations, our permanent military presence in Western Siberia will ensure a peaceful and stable environment for everybody.

Being my last day in office, I would like to thank both our allies, for being there for us and trusting us in our complicated tactics (which often led to misinformation, we are sorry about that) and our “enemies”, the brave soldiers and commanders of the PEACE alliance, which gave us great fights and a lot of thrills.

May we meet again and have a quality experience together!

Kind regards,
eRomanian Minister of Foreign Affairs
(ex-Minister after pressing the “Publish” button 😛)