Central and East Europe Map

Day 468, 23:29 Published in Romania Romania by OchiReci
Around the world are all kind of funny people who make small map or copy a existing one and keep do it until they reach media mogul. I`m not that kind so from the start I must tell you that is you subscribe to this paper to see next maps or statistic I make, you need to support all kind of articles. I`m involve in a lot of project and I don`t make a goal in my life to have a badge on a virtual life. Read the article, comment the map, vote it if you like and subscribe only if you really want.

Direct Link : http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/7577/esteuropev02.gif

My map is an original project made first time some month ago, and currently reaching stage two. All the country from Central and Est Europe are presented in this map with the fallowing specification :

- Country with big letter are empire : Romania [ who rule over her territory; integral over Moldova , Ukraine and Russia and partial over Hungary and Slovakia ] and Turkey [ who rule over her own territory and partially over Greece province ]
- Country with small letter are independent and suzerain country over there province. We have Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia
- Country with red letter are country that are not suzerain over all there territory or are completely under another country administration [ you have under the name the flag of the country that posses all territory ]. We have Hungary and Slovakia that have some of there own regions and the rest of them are under Romanian Empire, and in the same way we have Greece that have only one province of her own and the rest of them are under Turkey Empire. On the other hands we have Moldova, Ukraine and Russia that are completely under Romania administration.
- Red City : are the city that still belong to it`s original country and yellow country are not present in this new world yet

Thank`s for the votes and hope you enjoy the map. All the best.