Bye eChina: We're going to miss you

Day 1,330, 14:10 Published in Australia Australia by Rock_Lobster

eChina, one of the last countries to have kept their country whole, is now going down in a fiery blaze. Beijing and Shanghai are on their way down, and it is a sad day indeed. eChina is a country that has taken a beating, and never given up. it rose from the ashes of it's previous destruction to claim back their homeland, and to even expand beyond their borders, only to draw the attention of the angry Serbians and Hungarians. It is a sad day indeed when a country not in the main alliance is punished for wanting to do something worthwhile, to become powerful. Not only are they stripped of any territorial possessions, they are stripped of their home land and any pride they may have gained. We must support eChina, if not through military force, through politics. We must rally behind our Northern allies, and show them that we support them in their endeavors.

How can we, eAustralia, expect to stand up as a country when our allies are getting knocked down left, right, and center. We must stand up for our eChinese brethren, and support them. We must throw all of our weight behind any resistance wars, and all of our political weight (what little we have) behind eChinese sovereignty.