Bye Bye UK

Day 404, 14:33 Published in United Kingdom Netherlands by Belgian Local Government

To all our friends in the UK:

We, as the Belgians in the UK, have decided to leave the UK. It was a wonderfull time when we were all fellow countrymen, but we have decided to take the next step.

We are for ever thankfull of the opotunity you guys have given us and we will forever see the UK as our closest allie.

To our belgian cititzens these advises: please do stay in the UK just a little longer (Brussels is also good). We know you want to go in asap, but we are finalising the startup plan. So wait for future instructions.

For those who want to help us, you can join the resistance war in France
More about this decision will follow tomorrow.

So thanks for the warm welcome and till we meet again!

The Belgian Local Government