Building a brighter future

Day 500, 12:20 Published in USA USA by Khaiyan

I remember when I first entered US soil; it was a distinctive a moment for me as it presented the many opportunities I failed to see in my home country of India. Upon becoming a US citizen I felt the overwhelming desire to get involved in the community and facilitate in the country in any way possible.

The allusion of such a utopian environment faded away as the scandals of then President, Uncle Sam, came under media attention. In light of his wrongdoings I was able to witness the sheer level of animosity existent in America. All the while, the common principle of unity this country was founded on, became shrouded in obscurity; it is discomforting to say the least.

Yet as the saying goes, “Every cloud has a silver lining”. Sam’s impeachment came as no surprise and consequently brought his rising tide of unfortunate events to a swift end. Of the very few positive objectives he did accomplish, it was his efforts in opening war games that I feel deserve praise. Sam’s commendable successor, Scrabman must also be applauded for put the war games into practice. It is quite easy to dismiss the initiative but instead Scrabman saw its potential and its significance to the growing numbers of baby boomers in America. Confused? Well let me explain..

Scrab’s implementation of war games has allowed us to make use of our (preferably Q5) hospitals. In turn this increases our wellness and subsequently our productivity at work. As common logic would dictate, higher productivity means more goods made, and so it results in product surplus for American companies. The additional goods can then be sold on foreign markets, in turn pumping more money into the US’ economy. This will allow wages to increase and domestic goods prices to fall. Oh and fighting increases your exp and strength!

Let’s not forget that Scrabman is responsible for the continuation of the war games, and will also support it in his second term. If anyone can pick away at this perfectly sound strategy, please let me know so in the comments. Other than the high costs involved, I see this as a perfectly sustainable and beneficial initiative.

However it is not just this incredible policy that should put Scrabman in the path to Presidency (again). Time and time again he has proved his devotion to this great nation through his active contribution to eUSA’s inner community (his newspaper, the forum, etc). As you may know devotion alone cannot push a country forward into prosperity. The individual at the Oval Office must be logical thinker and I believe that Scrabman fits the criteria perfectly. His idea of a Federal Budget best serves as an example of his sheer aptitude and his desire to always seek solutions to the cracks within the eAmerican society. In case you are wondering, the Federal Budget will identify planned government spending, expected government revenue, and forecast economic conditions for the upcoming year (please read the linked article to learn the significance of The F😎.

Whoever you decide to vote this coming election, let it be known that the President alone cannot build a brighter future for eUSA. We must unite as one people to promote the growth and success of this country. This failure to do so will result in a similar environment to the one during Uncle Sam's tenure as President.

We cannot afford to repeat history again, not now..not ever.