Budimo ljudi - Let's be people

Day 1,422, 23:29 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia by mdjole

Dragi igraci eRepublik igrice, svi oni koji igraju ovo samo i iskljucivo radi zabave, ne padajte u zamku administratora i vlasnika igrice kojima je u cilju da se na vec u RL podloznom teritoriji sukobima, mrznji, netrpeljivosti, obogati i izvuce maksimalnu korist.
Ne padajte na trikove necega sto ni u kom slucaju ne donosi RL torelanciji, druzenju bez mrznji prema svemu sto je drugacije u odnosu na nas same. Pa tako ni u samoj igrici.
Sama transparentnost glasanja i sistem glasanja je takav da ma sta god da se "izglasa" administrator ce imati opravdanja za sve sto ta odluka donese, bilo to nezavisnost eKosova ili ne. Jer po njemu odluku nije odnio on, vec igraci eRepublika.
Da budem odmah jasan, nije problem u samoj odluci da li ce biti eKosovo nezavisno, cak i da bude, vjerovatno ce donijeti neke promjene u stanju svih eRepublika koje se nalaze u okolini te regije, problem je sto se uopste stavilo to na glasanje i sto se opet otvaraju novi-stari izvori svadja, koje na zalost imaju korijene iz RL.
Ljudi moji, kada shvatite da se u igrici borite protiv imaginarnih tenkova, protiv imaginarnih bazuka, da imate imaginaran gold i valutu, shvaticete da vam nije neprijatelj onaj sto se "bori" za drugu eRepubliku, shvaticete da je i taj neko za vas u tom trenutku imaginaran, jer ni na koji nacin ne utice na vas zivot, ne ugrozava vas.
Kada shvatite da bitke koje se vode za imaginarne eRegije, nisu isto sto i RL bitke, moci cete da sa vise zadovoljstva igrate igricu, a ne da svoj RL i komplekse, mrznju, unosite u igricu, u virtuleni svijet koji treba da bude samo opustanje nakon napornog radnog dana, druzenje sa ljudima koji imaju istu tu zelju kao i vi.
Zamolio bih vas sve da ostanete ljudi, a ne lutke administratora i robovi vlastite mrznje prema svemu sto nije isto kao vi, koja ako postoji u RL ne moze nista da uradi nazao nekome u virtuelnom svijetu, osim da vama izvuce zivce, da se u trenutku jednom iznervirate da bi najradije razbili monitor koji je ispred vas u nadi da cete tako udariti onog ko vam je izvukao zivce.
Vodite se ovom lijepom stvari:
Kad bi ljudi imali ruke snazne kao Herkul,
kad bi imali noge brze kao vjetar,
kad bi imali reflekse macke i snagu delfina, kada bi mogli preskociti kraj svijeta,
kada bi imali sve to,
imali bi tijelo,
imali bi oruzje,
ali ne bi imali velicinu dok ne shvatimo da je najjaci misic

Pitanje za sve one nacionaliste koji se hrane time sto prosipaju svoju maloumnu mrznju, sa bilo koje strane, da li ce se vama zivot poboljsati ukoliko onog drugog zadesi nesreca, ukoliko istrijebite Srbe, ili Hrvate ili Muslimane, hoce li to dati satisfakciju vasem postojanju, hoce li to dati smisao vasem zivotu? Hoce li vam to sledeci dan donijeti vise para, mozda posao koji do tog dana niste imali, hoce li vam to pomoci da prezivite u ovim teskim vremenima ili je samo vazno da se vasa mrznja nahrani patnjom onog drugog? Cini li vas to covjekom? Ili mozda istim kao onog sto mrzite? Ili mozda malim covjekom u svakom smislu? Covjekom koji u zivotu nista postigao nije. Shvatite da su i oni koje mrzite takodje ljudi bas kao i vi, i da imaju iste zivotne probleme bas kao i vi, i da bi vam ukoliko vam pomoc zatreba pomogli bez razmisljanja, jer to je ono sta nas cini ljudima.

Molim vas, pokazimo da smo ljudi. Svi.

Dear players of eRepublik, I appeal to all of you who play this game just for fun, do not fall into the traps of the administrator and owner of this game.Their only aim is to enrich themselves and gain maximum benefit by using the vulnerability of this already in RL area that is subjected to conflicts, hatred and intolerance.

Do not fall for trick that are in no way related to RL tolerance, interaction without hatred towards everything that is different from us. You don't do it in RL so don't do it in the game too.

The transparency of both the voting and voting system are such that no matter what will be "voted", the administrator will get an excuse for that decision, whether it is the independence of eKosovo or not - because according to him, he didn't make the decision, the players of eRepublik did it.

I want to state here in order to be perfectly clear - the problem is not in the decision whether eKosovo will be independent or not. If this happens there are likely some some changes in the conditions of the surrounding eRepubliks from this area - the problem is that this was put for voting at all. By doing it some old and new sources of fights are opened due to RL roots unfortunately.

Folks, when you realize that you play here against virtual tanks, against virtual bazookas, that you have virtual gold and currencies,then you will understand that your enemy is not someone who "fights" for another eRepublik. You will realize that someone is virtual too.This someone doesn't affect your life, doesn't endanger it.

When you understand that the battles who are fought for virtual eRepubliks, are not the same as battles from the RL you will be able to play this game with more pleasure and you won't bring your RL problems, complexes, conflicts and hatred into this game. The purpose of this virtual world is to relax after a hard day of labor, to interact with people who have the same wish as you do, and that is to relax a bit.
I plead to you stay human, don't become puppies of the administrator and slaves to our own hatred towards everything that differs from you. This hatred if existing in RL cannot harm you here it can just get on your nerves sometimes even so much that you would gladly smash your monitor in the hope that you would hit that someone who made you lose your temper.

Be guided by this nice thing:
If people had arms as strong as Hercules,
if we had legs as fast as the wind,
if we had reflexes as a cat and the strength of dolphins,
if we were able to jump over the end of the world,
if we had all this,
we would have the body,
we would have the weapon,
but we wouldn't have the greatness,
'till we realize that that the strongest muscle is
I have a question for all those nationalists that feed themselves by spilling their feeble-minded hatred - will your life improve if misery hits another human being? If you kill all Serbs, or Croats, or Muslims? Will that give satisfaction to your existence? Will that give a meaning to your life? Will you have more money the next day,maybe a job that you didn't have the day before? Will it help you to survive in these difficult times or does it only matter that your hatred is fed by the suffering of another person? Does this make you human? Or does it make you the same man that you hate? Or maybe it makes you a small man in every meaning? A man that hasn't accomplished anything in his life. You should realize that those you hate are humans too, and guess what they have the same problems as you, that they would help you in an instant if you needed help, because that is what makes us human.

Please show that we are all humans. All.