Bravo Eden ! Slavonia SECURED

Day 663, 15:18 Published in Romania Romania by Frostxtq

Ladies and gentlemen, we did it again 😛, we managed to fend off the Hungarian hordes and did so with style, I'm sure everyone who watched the last minutes of the fight loved the Eden Mobile Corps tanking PEACE's ass to the ground.

Now i can't wait for Bogdal_L's statistics so we can see just how much they spent on this failed attempt to conquer a region, although i don't need statistics to know that they spent VERY VERY much, maybe even more than Indonesia spent in Cali, these are the 2 places where Hungary keep most of their money :

eMagyar Kongresszus
eMagyar Nemzeti Bank

As you can see, they don't have much left, considering the fact that until recently they had at least 6k gold there and now they have like 300 shows just how much they wanted this region, which makes our victory even sweeter. Of course, EDEN spent some money too, but i'm sure that the statistics will confirm that we haven't even spent HALF of what they did, which is even better than the victory itself.

So congratulations to all the soldiers that fought for Croatia until exhaustion, i myself fought until 48 wellness and tanked about 4k worth of damage, also, i've got some news to share with you, news for which i'm very excited for. During my half ass tanking today i ranked up to FIELD MARSHAL finally, after all this time i'm where i wanted to be since i was level 5, FM just has a nice ring to it 😛.

Most of all, I want to thank my military unit Soimii Patriei for all their support, you guys rock 😶

Anyway, the threat is not over yet, Serbia is still trying to conquer Slavonia, so please fight for Croatia, they're one of our best and most loyal allies ever, they deserve it.

fight HERE

edit : Slavonia also secured, great job😛 I think PEACE spent at least 10-15k gold on these 2 attacks.

It seems like there's a bug in the battle of Slavonia, the battle is still ON although the timer has reached 0 for at least 10 minutes.... the wall is secure with +30 000 defense points but it seems like the battle just doesn't want to end. This is not the best news because Croatia & allies are bleeding more and more damage in an already secure region, when we could go back to help the USA.

Fix it admins !


Slavonia has been secured, finally 😃 now congrats for real


votes and subscribes will be highly appreciated, kitty wants MM after all xD