BETA better than V1?

Day 419, 14:18 Published in Poland Poland by BuzzY

Probably not all remember the old, but very good war module. I would like to ask the Administration to return module from BETA. We want to fight player vs. player not player vs wall!

Currently, each battle lasts 24h. I believe that this "new" war module is a rather silly solution. Why administration departed from the version of player vs. player? Is it not possible to restore the old war module? I really believe it is. Currently, the only thing that counts is gold. Why we don't give everyone a chance to fight? The game would become a lot more interesting for new players. It is very boring for new players that all they can do is just train and work, so they resign from game.

Where are the statistics to facilitate the conduct of company business that were in the BETA? Also I would like to ask about TRIVIA. The addition of questions at work is a major mistake. Employer doesn't know how salary can provide a worker because some people use a decoder! Trivia during training is good, but not at work!

Starting a game in BETA I thought that eRepublik will not be very commercial, but I was wrong! Why administration make eRepublik a total commercial game? I understand that you want to earn, but why up to such an extent?

I guess that the administration would avoid this article, but worth try even for answers, NO!

What I wrote here is just a small part of what is missing from BETA!

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