Battlefield report #15 (Balkan Odyssey)

Day 585, 12:44 Published in USA Serbia by Dimitrij Ivanov

PEACE continues its restauration of Germany. In the war against Sweden and Poland, PEACE liberated all German regions and is negotiating with the German government about withdrawal of all Hungarian, French and Italian troops from Germany. German administration took control over 7 of 13 regions but the infrastructure of the country is totally ruined. Germany has only one hospital at the moment and it is Q4 quality. It was built on 20.06. in Brandenburg.

After capturing Vojvodina from Croatia, Hungary immediately started the process of returning this region to its true owner – Serbia. Couple of hours after beginning of RW in Vojvodina, Croatian army started an offensive in an effort to regain control over that region. Croatian High Command put all at stake and attacked Hungarians with all their forces, hoping that the RW will fail. Although Croatian attack was very effective and Croatian mechanized brigades “demolished” the wall to -500.000, Croatian HQ didn’t do any steps in securing the failure of RW and totally disregarded the fact that in the case of succesfull RW their attack will become futile. After succesfull RW and returning the region under Serbian control, Croatian attack failed because it was started against Hungary who is no longer in posession of the region.

On 22.06. United Netherlands was struck by resistance wars in Brussels and Walloon. Brussels and Walloon regions were part of Belgium before the decision of unification of Belgium and Holland in one country United Netherlands. Resistance wars were funded by USA and US army took part in these battles. Belgians and Dutch stayed together and with the help of some PEACE countries drove back American invaders. Battles were finished with +33.000 in Walloon and +75.000 in Brussels.

After the loss of Vojvodina, Croatian government proposed to congress the declaration of war against Serbia. After hard debate which was interrupted by Hungarian attack on Slavonija, congress voted in favour of declaration with 11 votes for, and 6 against. Approximately at the same time “martians” in Serbian congress started the impeachement process against acting president Arcibald Rajs who replaced earlier impeached Lipec. “Martians” tried to leave Serbia beheaded but they totally forgot that the country can’t be without the president and so they unwillingly brought back the last mandate president – legally elected president of Serbia, Lipec.

Congress elections in Croatia and Serbia ended with total Serbian victory. With the help of other PEACE countries Serbs and their Serbian Democratic Party won majority of Croatian congress with 23 against 17 congress places. Elections in Serbia were even greater success because all Serbian candidates from SKS-SeS coalition made in to congress taking all 20 seats. Serbs now totally control politics of those two countries and have the power to stop the war if something goes wrong.

Croatian intent to conquer Serbia before Serbian congress votes in favour of MPP with Hungary was spoiled by Serbian attack on Raška. This attack made imposible for Croatian president to attack one of Serbian regions and during this battle MPP was already signed. The battle of Raška was one of the greatest battles untill now and many of the greatest units and soldiers of eWorld took part in it, fighting on both sides. This forest and mountain region didn’t allow mighty Romanian and Hungarian armoured brigades to give their best and the fight was carried out by good old reliable infantry. Serbs relatively easily took control over Novi Pazar and made possible for Indo-Hungarian troops to continue their advance to Sjenica and Prijepolje. Fierce fighting continued on the mountains Zlatar and Javor. The frontline was pushed back and forth every hour. PEACE initiative was broken by Croatian special unit Zdrug which took main supply depot at Novi Pazar using helicopter drop. With their supply lines cut and enemy in the rear Serb and Hungarian troops at Prijepolje were forced to retreat. Loosing their support on the right flank, Indonesians also decided to withdraw.

Another battle between Croatia and Serbia finished an hour ago, the battle of East Serbia.
After initial success and capturing Knjaževac and Boljevac, Indo-Hungarian troops were stopped at Zaječar and they are trying to keep their lines. At the same time Serbian forces with the help of other smaller PEACE detachments are attacking Požarevac and trying to tie every available Romanian and Finnish units to this part of battlefield. Despite the fact that Indo-Hungarian attacks were very hard, Croatian defenses backed by Romanian, Finnish and American troops stood their ground and threw away enemy to starting positions with +90.000.

Canada is shaken by spy scandal. An affair in which members of secret “Cobra” organization threatened to reveal classified information of Canadian government to highest bidder. Cobra infiltrated government and had its agents in high government positions. Their mission was to undermine the system and program of president Jacobi. Canadian national security agency, CSIS conducted an investigation which gave results and the leader of Cobra Augustus Baldwin was arrested. CSIS proved that one of the biggest Canadian political parties CEP was behind Cobra. CEP is respected party which previously had control over congress and presidency. If Attorney General proves his involvment Augustus Baldwin will be punished with revoke of citizenship.


Organization of Estonian Armed Forces

The eEstonian army, or officialy Estonian Military and Defense Forces is a very young organization with almost no experience. It is composed of two main parts: Defense Force and Defense League. At the moment strenght of an army is about 100 soldiers. 46 in Defence Forces and rest in Defense League.
Defense Forces
Are divided in 5 squads consisting of 10 soldiers each (including squad commander and his deputy). If necessary DF members travel abroad where they train and acquire experience. The Squad Commander and his Deputy are responsible for sending personal instructions and equipment (weapons, tickets) to every member of the Squad. The number of volunteers is rapidly increasing as more and more citizens sign up to be in the army, but for now battle order of DF is:
* 1st Squad “Kalev” – commander Marduuhin
* 2nd Squad “Linda” – commander Elari Reili
* 3rd Squad “Olev” – commander etc_Marc
* 4th Squad “Eha” – commander Cloner (combined squad)
* 5th Squad “Sulev” – commander ken kovask

Defense League
Consists of Groups of varying sizes, primarily of Congress members, which is purely domestic.
Main groups are group H as in Homeland, an Group the members of which do not travel abroad as is the case for any other Defense League Group, and newly formed group GC as in Group of Congress, which consists of members of Congress who otherwise are members of the Defense Force or other groups in the Defense League. After ending their mandate in congress, GC members who were also members of DF can rejoin their original units.

Equipment is financed directly by the Office of the President under the advisory of the Ministry of Finance and handled, before given to Squad Commanders and Group Leaders, by the Ministry of Defense. Presently money is distributed on a need-to-use basis, however, the plan is to move to a budgetary system in the near future. Estonian army also has a governmentally financed company to produce and store weaponry for times of training or war.

First actual military encounter of Estonian army was the war between Finland and Latvia. Estonians did the best they could in helping their ally but their army was no match for Finland and her allies. There have been many changes in Estonian army during its existance and more are underway - experience is their teacher and will ultimately decide how their military is organized.