Australian Prime Ministerial Reply To Indonesia: (Updated)

Day 1,422, 01:53 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

Dear Indonesia, regarding your current Natural Enemy Proposal, I have but one question: WHY??

Australia currently has 1060 citizens. Indonesia has 7083. Militarily, the numbers are even more skewed.

Clearly, we are a threat to you, which is why I see that you have proposed a Natural Enemy with us. What, Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia and Victoria weren't enough for you?

If you wanted a natural enemy bonus, there were many other options. For instance, the one proposed by Admiral Proudmore with USA. A war with them would have been epic as the wars with those two nations in the past have been. Instead, you chose the cowards way, and declared war on the one country nearby that could offer the least bit of resistance, as we already have a hostile Natural Enemy against us.

So I say this, Indonesia: Where did your honour go?

A message to all Australians: GET READY FOR A FIGHT. Sure, it won't be a fair one, but that's the difference between Indonesia and Australia. We have guts. We have Pride. We have HONOUR. We shall fight. We may lose, but we will never lose our dignity. Indonesia never had it to begin with.

~Timeoin (Australian Prime Minister)

EDIT: Pro-tip, Indonesia, if you want to claim this is the act of a "random congress member", then dont get your VICE CP TO PROPOSE IT IN GAME
EDIT x2: Australia Will Not Go Quietly Into The Night