Atlantis proves their FAILING! ((Updated))

Day 475, 21:55 Published in USA USA by Revshawn
"We also inform you that a vote regarding whether to enforce the penalty on the US for breaking the ATLANTIS treaty has been held and the result is that they have to pay each member nation 100 Gold, as the charter demands." -ATLANTIS

Somewhere out there is a 20 year old man sitting at his computer. He has just gotten home from a busy day, and he's ready to play a game called eRepublic. He's been very happy lately you see. His nation has finally become prosperous. The eUSA has at last decided that they should make use of their military power and invade another country. The people of the eUSA finally decided to stop arguing about silly philosophy and play the damn game.

He looks at an article, and he bursts out laughing. Now this was a good joke. This guy happened to like jokes, and this was the funniest one he had heard in a while. Ponder did he, the ironic nature of this proposal. ATLANTIS was attempting to fine eUSA for the same thing they allowed Romania to do with no problems whatsoever. Not only that, but they were attempting to fine eUSA for attacking one of their enemies. Clearly this had to be a joke.

And then he looked closer. It wasn't a joke.

"Just who the hell do they think they are?" Thought he.

So he grew angry and very offended. He got onto the computer and opened up his Microsoft Word Processor program, and he proceeded to make an article that told everyone just how offended he was. He decided to write this article in phose, and talk of himself in the 3rd person. He thought that by using this method, it would make reading it more enjoyable as it is in a storybook format.

His official response could be summed up in one word.


Read the above word carefully ATLANTIS. Never have I seen such ignorant idiots in my entire life. How dare you? You're a bunch of morons. You DARE to ask us to pay you for doing good work for our nation?

You must be crazy.

((PS: Atlantis just blew a 70k wall against Indonesia. They fail even harder.))

((PSS: Update, they actually paid.