Are Jharkhand And Karnataka Defendable?

Day 768, 09:14 Published in Iran Hungary by Mikrobi

The relationship between Iran and India has got worse again. I don't know why, but I think, the MAFIA TO attempt didn't better the situation. If only the MAFIA had won the majority of the Indian Congress, could have had the attempt sense. Kebritini has admitted to have failed the TO and promised to resign from Comgress. It was a logic and very generous act from him. But up till now noone has followed him.

During the elections India has declared war on China and immediately after having the proposal accepted, attacked Tibet. Iran knows well how dangerous is this situation. Your press is full of articles regarding this issue. It is dangerous not only for Iran, but also for Indonesia! Hungary has fought hard for Iran in Liaoning (1,050,000 dmg), but the alliance was not successful. We don't want to fight for Jharkhand, nor for Karnataka, especially not in vain! Our goal is to push the USA out from Asia, not to defend our regions continuously! This problem must be solved in a diplomatic way!

We do our best with the Indian diplomacy, but Iran must show some sign of cooperation. I call upon the MAFIA to leave the Indian congress as soon as possible!

Hail Iran!
Hail the stability in Southern-Eastern Asia!

Far-Eastern Asian representative of Hungary