Antonio Salgado: A Risk Too Far...

Day 407, 13:23 Published in Thailand Thailand by Vactor

As more and more of presidential candidate Antonio Salgado's history with corruption comes to light, the citizens of eThailand have been left with some serious considering to do.

Antonio claims to be a changed man, and to all outward appearances he seems to be. He has put forth a commendable effort participating in our recent governments has recently acted as an upstanding member of our community.

Is this enough for us to hand over the keys to a person who was willing to steal from the treasury in the past?


Antonio Salgado was accessory to embezzlement, among other charges and as such, reformed or not, should never be allowed access to our highest office.

Like many of you I too applaud the work that Antonio has done in the recent months, however with a history like his, his intentions should always be considered with suspicion.

The risk is too great.. The toils of too many eThailanders would be lain on the line..

Antonio Salgado is at best an opportunist who saw the writing on the wall when the"emperor" he had toadied up to was finally deposed, and at worst...and at great risk to our country, a Wolf in Sheep's clothing, biding his time until he can once again dip his hands into our coffers.

Antonio Salgado has plenty of ways to serve his country other than via presidency, let him continue to pay his penance through those.

I would invite all eThailanders to join me as I vote for Guy Kilmore for President. Let us keep our course towards a better eThailand steady.

The Thai Eagle Eye