An Honest Evaluation - Peace

Day 480, 16:55 Published in USA United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Dear American Population,

I come to you tonight as an Ambassador of Mexico. Not to troll or flame, which tends to happen sometimes. Not to get upset or angry, but to try and offer you an honest opinion of what Mexico wants. We have spoken with your President, but talks seem to be at an impasse. Since he is unwilling to listen to reason, I ask that you listen and try to take everything into account before judging, as I think you'll find what is being offered quite fair.

Peace and Goodwill between the US and Mexico

For a long time, Mexico and the US were allies. Before you chose to RAWR at us, for no apparent reason (and without getting into arguments, I've heard three different ones, and RAWR was the best one), Mexico and US shared a long, friendly, peaceful history. We are not violent or mean people. We do not intend to harm the US. Without mincing words, you have done more harm to yourselves by starting this war than Mexico has ever done to any other country combined.

Here's what was discussed between Mexico and the US. I will state, that this is a discussion purely between the US and Mexico, and has nothing to do with our Portuguese Brothers, with whom Sam has his own dragons to slay.


1.The US is requesting that some form of War Game continue between Mexico and the US. However, he is trying to make it completely one-sided with no benefit to Mexico whatsoever. He intends to ask that you (US) keep a region, and use it to start a Resistance War in. Then, on April the 12th of this year, it goes back to Mexico.

How does that benefit Mexico at all? We'd have to send our troops to the US to fight. Why not, in the interest of building relationships, do as we had suggested, and give eMexico all it's regions back, and simply attack one at our choosing. That way, we get to benefit as well from the training, the US gets it's scheduled "RAWR", and we can move forward in our relationship. What benefit would it serve eMexico to simply allow the US soldiers to train themselves on our land without training our own? Do you think we want you trying to invade us again?

2.Mexico is asking for a hospital to replace the one you destroyed in the Central Highlands. We have asked for a Q5. We realise you destroyed a Q4, and there are ways to work around things like that. One thing Dhoo had suggested was perhaps if the US agrees to pay 80% of the cost of one, Mexico could contribute the other portion as a sign of goodwill. It is only fair to replace the only way to heal ourselves, considering it was the US that destroyed it in the first place.

3.And lastly, we asked that since it's due to the US that we have to return these lands, the US pays for the battles. Mexico, as you're well aware, was robbed by Polish Rogues. In fact, you used that as an excuse to invade us, in the name of helping. Call it a sign of good faith, that due to your error we ask that you pay for the battles. We're not hugely populated, so it's not like declaring on California.

I sincerely hope the American Public has more understanding than your President. We have tried to explain that we do not want a drawn out cold war, sitting on the American Border, or having to worry about the US attacking us any further. We wish to move on and finish this disaster, and hope that the American people do as well. We feel like these are actually fairly even demands, considering the situation we're all in. According to your own President, "the treasury will have tons of money in just over a week", which should tell you what kind of negotiations we've had to do as of now.

Here's hoping that the US and Mexico can once again establish solid communications, and a relationship that extends past whatever Alliance lines you want to draw.

We're not here to point fingers at who started it, we just want this war to be over, so we can fix our country.

Comandante Supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas de Mexico