An interview with the unknown

Day 1,235, 03:57 Published in Sweden Sweden by Enenra
Svensk version

Many people make interviews with the high people. Who actually cared about the more unknown??
Therefore, I decided to make an article were I interviewed three guys that you probably never heard of.
I've had editing at the minimum so I'll have their own words. Of course, it will not be the same feeling because I had to translate everything.
The English version came faster than planned because I had nothing to do.

Let's begin with Jake Loran. I know that he has been interviewed by krigarmarkus, but actually I did it before. I just had to get two more interviews before I could publish the article.

Jacce: Hello and welcome to your interview!
Jake Loran: Thanks. 😁
Jacce: You're one of many "unknown" players in eSweden.
Jake Loran: Ye.
Jacce: I heard you newly started a food company, how does it feel?
Jake Loran: It feels good. I gain money when producing own food because I only need one grain to produce a Q1 food.
Jacce: Did you ever want to engage yourself more in eRepublik, that means become a "known" player?
Jake Loran: Uhm, difficult question. 😁 Yes, because I feel that eRepublik is one of the more fun browser games.
Jacce: On which way do you want to get famous then? (Media, politics, military etc)
Jake Loran: Either politics or military. I do not know yet what the different blocks stand for, because I've not engaged myself in the politics so much. But it's leaning against military.
Jacce: Are you a member of TSM?
Jake Loran: Yes, but I'm not especially active.
Jacce: What do you think about it?
Jake Loran: Good because you get paid for fighting, it can help many that don't have money but want to help eSweden in battle.
Jacce: Over to politics now, what's your opinion about Valnad??
Jake Loran: Well, I do not know what he changed in eSweden, but as a person he's OK.
Jake Loran: But I think it's time for a new president now.
Jacce: Do you want to say anyone that you think would fit as president?
Jake Loran: Well, absolutely not a communist, it just don't work in eRepublik, so my answer is no.
Jacce: Okey, what do you think about the help you've got as newbie? Is it enough or can it get better?
Jake Loran: It depends on what you mean with help, if you mean people that learned me the game, it's enough.
Jake Loran: But I think it's unnecessary to donate stuff to newbies.
Jake Loran: But I think it makes them wanna stay.
Jacce: Anything more you want to say or can we stop the interview here?
Jake Loran: We can stop, please!

We'll continue with zzzingo.

Jacce: Hello and welcome to your interview
zzzingo: Hello, and thanks!
Jacce: You're one of the more "unknown" players, right?
zzzingo: yes, i'm pretty new 🙂
Jacce: What do you think about the help you've got in the start?
zzzingo: i haven't got so much help but ive been doing good, for example I haven't got any mentor.
Jacce: Okey, why didn't you want help? Didn't you want it or didn't you know there was for example mentors?
zzzingo: I didn't really know about mentors, but there's been others I could ask too.
Jacce: Okey, now to next subject. I see you're a businessman, what do you think about having companies?
zzzingo: It's been up and down, Admin have changed the economy alot, especially with the new work as manager. Now it seems like it has getting better again.
Unfortunately it has been a bit hard having companies, almost all new players work with low health.
Jacce: Have you ever wondered how it would be without employees?
zzzingo: I didn't have any employees earlier, but you don't get alot of cash then. Also it's selfish to not have employees
Jacce: Now to politics. What do you think about the current government?
zzzingo: I think it's very good, but I haven't been playing so long and I do not have any other to compare to
Jacce: Do you want to get in the congress?
zzzingo: Sometime in the future I would. We'll simply see when 🙂
Jacce: What do you want to change if you become president?
zzzingo: It's a difficult question, you really don't think on that. But I'd like to see that eSweden joins ONE/NWO. I do not know anything more I'd like to change, everything is pretty good as we have it right now, but it can

always be better!
Jacce: Okey, I think this is enough. Anything more you want to say or can we stop the interview here?
zzzingo: i think we can stop here
Jacce: Good bye, it was nice interviewing you!
zzzingo: Thanks, bye!

Last but not least, Veinne!

Jacce: Hello and welcome to your interview!
Veinne: hi and thanks
Jacce: You're one of the more unknow players in erepublik, right?
Veinne: yes
Veinne: ofc
Jacce: We'll start with politics. Do you want to say who you voted on in the presidential election?
Veinne: sure
Veinne: Valnad
Jacce: Can you motivate your vote?
Veinne: no
Veinne: yes, M.S.A.P didn't run
Jacce: How come you're not in a party?
Veinne: not dried to join one
Jacce: Okey, did you get any help in the beginning of the game? For example with mentors?
Veinne: no i can handle it myself
Jacce: What do you like the most in eRepublik?
Veinne: that the world doesn't look like IRL
Jacce: What's your goal in eRepublik?
Veinne: to have fun
Jacce: Okey, do you want to say anything more before we quit the interview?
Veinne: that all that reads the interview shall have fun🙂
Jacce: I really hope they have! Now it's getting time to say good bye.
Veinne: ok bye

Earlier articles
1. A guide to eRepublik
2. [SWE & ENG] Cheapest health