
Day 700, 15:09 Published in USA USA by e Project Mayhem

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Click the flags for your eCanada Battle Orders!

After viewing the eCanada from my office...
something has caught my eye...

Attention "Move to EPIC Please" Party Members:

It has come to my attention that
your leadership has abandoned you!

They are trying to force you to move to another Party,
thus violating the rules of eRepublik:

"Rule #5: A real user may express his/her will upon only one citizen."


"Party law #3 The formation of parties that encourage or promote discrimination is not allowed."

Move to EPIC Please members crying over lack of free will

They are trying to deny you free association!

A select few have decided the fate of many!

"Move to EPIC Please" members refusing to move

Fear not fair citizens!

I, Tyler F Durden have decided to answer the call of justice and have agreed to run for the Presidency of your fair and time honoured Party. Your defiance has inspired me to join your noble ranks, etc! Together we shall throw off these shackles and replace them with totally new and really shiny shackles that will not rust or break or force you to move!

Your NEW! and improved shackles!
Note the padded interior so they do not
chafe your delicate skin!

The most exciting part of building a
new Party is being withheld from you!

Why should those "EPIC" guys have all
the fun while you sit and stagnate?

The modern "Move to EPIC Please"
Party member, Alto Deraqwar

Join me in joining you and together we'll change this great Party's name to something more dignified than: "Move to EPIC Please"!

You don't have to live like this anymore!