Age before beauty

Day 525, 07:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur

First off, I would like to warn people. By reading this, some might get their toes stepped on. Frankly, I don’t really care as it’s time for me to say it. I’ve sat by and watched things go on, keeping my opinion to myself as it would have been pointless to share them, they would have led to discussions, which I really don’t have the time for. Before you criticise me, keep in mind that under the Theus legislation I was appointed Ceann Comhairle and am still around to somewhat see to it, although it has become forgotten lately. This simply means that I am on top of everything that goes to congress and that I am always available to answer questions. I also have 6, nearly 7 hard workers, 6 congress mandates (in the new World, many more in the beta World), 1 Presidential mandate and several ambassador functions. Maybe I do know a thing or two.

I know some new people have probably never heard of me, granted, I’m not active in commenting at this point, but I have been in the past. I just can’t find the time to comment on every case, but than again, I probably should and maybe even will if circumstances allow it. However I do monitor the forum, the media and everything that goes on. I am on top of every case, it’s just not showing. That being said, getting down to the point. Of course, no names will be mentioned in this article, that is just uncivilised and rather offensive.

Forget, much?

A very peculiar thing in Irish media. Articles concerning the same subject, that keep repeating themselves, the phrases just get formulated in a different way. Yet all people seem to applaud them as some sort of new idea or revolutionary concept. I suggest you don’t join the hype just because others do it. I for one find it very annoying to read the same article over and over. It almost looks like people have mass – Alzheimer. Make one article about it and that should be it. We should just open up a separate forum section where every newspaper has their own thread. There you can post your article and include a link to it in your actual eRepublik article. That way everyone can look everything up, without even having to scroll down the paper’s total article list. It also reduces the need for people to make the same article again, with different sentences. We’re not ignorant, we know what you mean in 1 article, we don’t need to see it several times. Post useful things, effective things, don’t shroud the things that are not happening, inform us of what IS happening.

Promises, lies waiting to happen?

Very noticeable in the times at hand. Many promises have been made, very little have been realised. Promises are pretty, if they are realistic and are handled. Posting propaganda with unrealistic promises in them, and than having your friends or party affiliates comment on them as if they were Jesus’ words is just not working. Some people still have common sense and wish to see things achieved, not things talked about. If you make a promise, at least keep the people up to date. Show them how they are being handled and what the road bumps are that are slowing the process down. Don’t just make another article stating the same promise again with an added phrase like ‘we’re getting to it’. We want to know how you are getting to it, I know we’ve got a lot of bushes in our fair Ireland, but there’s no law saying you have to beat around all of them.

Assertive please, not aggressive!

Lately I’ve been seeing articles with people downright dismissing any alliance. I know the two great alliances there are now, both have their downsides and perhaps even upsides. What I do know is that neither of them can be completely trusted. However, international relations like alliances should never be dismissed out of hand completely. Times change. If times change, so will we. There may be a time that they can help us when we need it. If you have a radical approach, you might end up losing the one thing you taught you were protecting. Be assertive, weigh your options, establish relations and maintain them. When inquired about joining an alliance you do not wish to join at this point, simply comment that it is unlikely but always on the table. This sort of reply goes down easier for your opposition. If you shoot it down, right there in front of their nose, you will do more harm than good and possibly even agitate one of the superior powers in the eWorld, does that sound like a good path to take?

Floph, the sound of another umbrella opening..

Tell the people what it comes down to, not what you would like it to come down to. Refrain from posting plain propaganda. I’m a stickler for effectiveness and am appalled by the level of so – called pro – activeness and dedication. If the people claiming themselves to be pro – active really were pro – active, wouldn’t we have seen more results by now? Results about things promised by the way, what I’ve already said before. It comes down to honesty, don’t tell the people that you are extremely dedicated if you are simply a man (or woman) just like the rest of us, who simply play the game, not live inside of it. If you do have no life outside of this (disturbing taught by the way), than why haven’t you accomplished more? At this point I would like to stress that all things mentioned in this paragraph, the previous ones and the following ones is not a personal attack on anyone, it is directed to the general governing body or even in some cases, the governing aspirants.

I’ve heard many complaints about our military. How it is unorganised and malfunctioning, that there is no real leader who takes the helm. I’ve also seen proposals that are simply ridiculous. You claim that the current formation is a mess. We currently have but 2 big systems. One being the IDF and the other being ARW. If you are unable to decently manage these 2, how is dividing them into MORE divisions going to result in a better management? What needs to be done is appoint people who have at least several months of experience under their belt, months of activity, not months played. This way you reduce the chance of a person with authority over something disappearing into thin air and leaving the system to decay. Think twice before joining the hype about this so called ‘baby – boom’. Keep in mind that I’ve seen fresh ones pop up out of the ground with so called new ideas and promises of activity, I’ve also seen them starve to their deserved inactive deaths. A multi – division military can be effective, if handled by the right people, like I’ve said.

Let’s carry water to the sea!?

New people look for guidance. Of course, this is normal. My advise would be to seek guidance from people who are actually able to give guidance, not people who claim to be ‘mentors’ after 1 month of play. With a few clicks you can instantly find people who have tons of experience, I’d rather approach those than someone who endorses himself. Also, formulate your own opinions, don’t follow the herd blindly. Don’t simply believe everything that gets posted, stand up for your beliefs in a friendly and again, assertive way. Question the government! It’s not an act of aggression, it is simply an effective way of keeping them functioning. If nobody looks at what they are up to, how will things get done? You take their word for it? It’s like telling a dog not to scratch itself and taking it’s word (or bark) for it. It can be compared to sports.. a goalkeeper that has no internal competition is assured of his spot on the first team. If you however bring in a new fresh young one for the same position, both their levels will rise as they need to compete for the same place. Same thing goes for the government, offer them a competition and things will improve! If everyone goes along with the charades or shrouds being posted than how will you ever get things done? Demand status updates, demand transparency and criticise moves! Criticism can of course also be positive, if the situation at hand suits it, not everything can be negative.

It’s not over until the fat lady sings

I think that’s about it for what I can come up with at this moment. I’m sure there probably is more but I’ve grown weary of having to write these things. I do NOT enjoy writing this, but it’s time to shed some light on everything. It may be a bit controversial and straight to the point, but that’s just my approach. I face things head on and will make myself heard when I deem it necessary. Many people now probably hate or dislike me, so be it, I will not be silenced, the people have the right to know, new or old.

I’m sure the people who feel spoken to will comment, shooting down everything. I say, be my guest, for I can not care less. The ones who care, are open and objective and have some common sense will now know more and see things differently. I hope that the new people who are unbiased will heed this advice. I for one will and I hope others will follow. Together we can make Ireland great, but to do that we need to get rid of useless bush – beating and ineffective promises.

*hears singing*

I would also like to thank the people who took the time to read all of this. It’s lengthy and probably whiney, but as I’ve already said, there was no other way around.

Yours sincerely
