About Victor Petrescu, Craciun and their lies

Day 312, 16:17 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Suspended
After the bloodless capture of Ireland and the election of Victor Petrescu, he gave several interviews to foreign newspapers. We’d like to show the most interesting and relevant quotations.

Correspondent: Why you think that your plan is a good choose for irish people and why you choose Ireland? Is that country part of a larger "plan"?

Victor Petrescu: My plan is good for the Irish population, the workers in Ireland. The company owners are not happy and the politicians are not happy. The e😜resident and his "group" kept Ireland in a state of "centralized economy" with every sector being controlled. They claim that a small economy cannot function as a Free Market. Incredible. And the population bought that lie.

It’s not easy to talk about lies if you are a pathological liar yourself.

Victor Petrescu: I am a confirmed liar already, not a problem for me.
I lied to the Irish several times, when we won the elections in Ireland, but they deserved it, Collins really offended me, 10 minutes after I had just moved there.

In this article he lies at least twice. Here is a quote from eRepublik Wiki:

“…August 2008 was a disaster for Ireland.Victor Petrescu, a newly arrived Romanian created a party called Global Money Traders (now known as Ireland Reborn) the day before the election, and was elected President. The election was surrounded by controversy, as many of the votes Victor Petrescu achieved came from brand new accounts that only ever logged in to vote. Many Irish citizens saw this as undemocratic and unfair, though the admin ruling was clear. It was legal for many brand new citizens to vote, even if this was identical to multiple accounts abuse from an objective standpoint.

As a result, a period of social conflict erupted, followed by the proclamation of a Provisional Government, the first in erepublik. Many nations saw fit to declare the newly elected government illegitimate, including the Czech Republic, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Japan, Greece. The Czech Republic and Mexico cancelled the MPPs they had with Ireland. After the initial few days of conflict, the only thing the new government did was print money to sell for gold on the exchange market.

They attempted to print 2 billion IEP, however this action was halted by the admins as it violated a rule. In total 100,000 IEP was printed, and it is not know how much of this was converted into gold. 4000 GBP that was deposited in the Irish treasury prior to the election was also stolen by Victor Petrescu, and the currency status of this money is unknown…”

So Petrescu’s words about “good for the Irish population” gain a whole new meaning, because by “the Irish” he meant himself and some of his pals.

“We are Irish now”

Correspondent: How your Irish conquer is considered in your mother Country Romania?

Victor Petrescu: I've seen some people say bad things about us. They think we give Romania a bad name. What I can say is that we are Irish now. We couldn't care less. I have a corporation back in Romania, I have friends there, but we are in Ireland.

Correspondent: Are you scared of a future war against you?

Victor Petrescu: No. There is nothing a war can do to us. If we get conquered we can always buy 1 ticket each from the country that conquers Ireland.
And move to more hospitable lands. 60 well organized, high skilled men, can always find a good place to live.

Let the facts speak.

“…Near the end of the month, WWI broke out, with Victor Petrescu's government declaring support for Romania, despite earlier claiming to dislike the Romanian government, while the provisional government declared neutrality. Some Ireland Reborn party memebers subsequently left Ireland to fight against Hungary…”

What's this? A sudden attack of patriotism?
Here is a message, received by Krembo, president of eBulgaria:

Alex Cracuin: As you might already know Bulgaria will be taken over politically.
We found out about the plans of the goons and now we are having romanians over there.
So... do you prefer the goons or you"ll support us?
Don"t forget what happened in all the countries ruled by the goons.
If you"ll choose to support us you"ll have your country back when you"ll be out of danger.

Poor Alex. With a face of a christian missionary he denied all accusations of collaboration with Petrescu and contended that he hasn’t made any deals with this man. Of course, he did not expect that his letter will be available for public. So he had to play the hypocrite with renewed force.

Tale about brave Petrescu trying to defend Bulgaria from goons (without Bulgaria’s confirmation, of course) is funny though. But even romanians themselves do not believe this bullshit.
So what about Craciun?

Correspondent: Do you support Victor’s action?

Alex Craciun: If I am other player (not president ,red) this action was a funny thing. Remember this is only a game, we do this for fun, and it’s fun when we win it, when u loose than it’s not fun anymore.

But as Romanian president I do not support this action, and what I can do, as I have told before, is to give some advice for him how to make Ireland economic to better condition. so when he becomes a president for a month people wont regret it.

Of course, stealing the public coffers and transferring money into gold (that is, in fact, the real fraud) is a funny thing.
But the other thing that is interesting: why they are still in Bulgaria? It's a good question.

Petrescu’s plan had failed. Even without help of PEACE it was doomed, because you can’t fool people twice. You can’t conquer a country with golden promises and “ePrinsa” spam. And they begin to understand it. I think they will not even create their own party - it's just pointless.
The only way of conquering Bulgaria is military way.
Here are the official reasons for starting the war with eHungary:

Alex Craciun: With Hungary we had other reasons. For 2 weeks we had lots of hungarians in Romania, they made newspapers, they wrote lots of insults toward romanians, they even invited us to attack them. Also we didn"t forget their attitude when we attacked Ukraine, all their newspapers and forums were full of insults towards us, but just after 2 weeks they attacked the Czech Rep. without any reason.

When asked what the hungarian citizens can expect in the future, Alex Craciun answere😛

“One thing is for sure, if we will be insulted or betrayed we will react.”

This is a key phrase. Are they insulted? Yes, they've got exactly what they wante😛

Imaginapolis: Well, Alex, you just took 26 minutes between your last two posts. It's called buying time. This proves you have a vaginal herpes and you own a giraffe. Prove me wrong.

Creos: I'd prefer to ally with satan himself but not to have deal with Petrescu's gang.

fr33m3: since u dont have the balls(by u i mean all of u scums) to simply tell the truth of your arrival here and u try to find yourself excuses so hard .. yes i find it morally low.

No matter that insults were hurled from ‘both’ sides. No matter who is right. One day this will be used as a casus belli for launching a military campaign against eBulgaria. And we will be ready for it.