AAP Presidential Nominee

Day 559, 14:12 Published in USA USA by America's Advancement Party

The AAP is proud to once again nominate Scrabman for President. The AAP believes that Scrabman has done a great job leading our country, and with over 60% voting majority in our election poll-Scrabman officially is supported by the AAP.

So, why would you want to vote Scrabman?

Troubled Times
Not of Scrabman's creation, the troubled times of Atlantis and its future require leadership we know we can trust. Scrabman has not lead us wrong. He has not gotten us into any wars that were not well planned and logical and helped provide for us war games that have helped the wellness and rank of every active eUSA citizen.

The James S Brady Press Room has been providing plenty of feedback for the nation about what is going on with the eUSA. While some complain that Scrabman never speaks-the AAP sees no ground for this. The Press Room and Scrabman personal paper have been writing articles with decent frequency and detail.

Why fix what's working great?
While we could just say that it's not broken, nearer to the truth is the idea that it's great. Seriously, what underneath of Scrabman's sphere of authority has gone wrong?

-We have a congress that is more ordered with the ability to better control its own money (though there were original doubts, it certainly seems to be doing well from the time we have had this in place).

-An official newspaper for information.

-Steady War Games: Have they ever been missing without reason, or started late while they were under his control to start (Mexico)? Many players can't remember what it is like before war games. The world was a lot different and I know that if we lost these we would feel the hurt. While I have no reason to believe that the other candidates will fail at continuing them, I believe Scrabman has proven his leadership abilities through the production and continued presence of these even after Mexico. Now through Ireland the war games are not just for the eUSA but also for the entirety of Atlantis.

Again, this is not directed at any of the opponents of Scrabman, but his real life experiences as a lawyer and dealing with what are more or less political situations (the courtroom) have some weight to add to this. While the AAP is not against having younger Presidents, certainly the maturity of Scrabman brings something to the table.


The touchy subject with Scrabman. But who can point out what, particularly, that Scrabman has done that has been "leftist" supporting? What has he done that has gone against the general ideological policy of a conservative player?

You can point your finger at congress maybe (government run companies), but Scrabman no matter what your ideological preference is has steered us right.

Classy Show Favorites
I mean, how can you not like a guy that has a Star Trek profile picture, even BEFORE the new Star Trek movie came out and kicked butt? Not to mention his third favorite Sci-fi show is Serenity which is, though no longer around, stinkin awesome too.

Through a public vote to help bring democracy into every aspect of our party, the AAP has decided to support Scrabman for President this month. We wish all of the candidates well and believe in and have every confidence that they all can bring our country into further greatness. Vote wisely! And we suggest, Vote Scrabman for President!

Aren Perry,
AAP Party President

The AAP: The party that invests in its players.
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