A plea to Indonesia! Help your friend Australia!

Day 418, 21:54 Published in Indonesia Australia by Cottus Arci

Citizens of Indonesia,

I call upon you all to assist me in convincing your Congress to accept our proposal for liberating the 3rd region as per our Agreement.

"1. Regions
a. Australia Will have New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria (VIC) for the first ‘round’ (30 day period)
b. Australia will negotiate the next territories for release 30 days from the release of both NSW and VIC."

We have waited 30 days, and have enjoyed mild prosperity. However we have no access to Oil & Diamonds, and this hurts our economy deeply.

When we held the talks for the agreement, we explicity stated that Northern Territory would be our third option. Back then, n3m0 & his team expressed they had no problem with this.

However today I've been hit with the shocking revelation that it will cost 300 GOLD for us to be able to choose Northern Territory as our third region! This is paid directly to the Indonesian Government, and this is in addition to the 60 GOLD we'd have to pay for the war!

Australia is growing, but will hit a severe bump if we do not have our own Diamonds soon. Indonesia will lose nothing out of this, since they have several other regions with High Diamond Productivity!

To me, this comes across as Indonesia trying to keep Australia weak, either by denying us our own Diamonds, or by leaving us with a massive GOLD debt.

We are small, yet we are deeply thankful and friendly towards Indonesia. Please do not let your Government cause ill-feeling towards us!

One of the main reasons your Congress wishes to not give us Northern Territory is because NT directly borders regions of the original Indonesia, and fear Australia may be used to attack!

However, in addition, I'd be willing to sign an additional agreement that states;

"Australia is not permitted to attack any Indonesian-owned region for a period of 12 months". The only exception to this, is a resistance wars for regions of Australian origin as per an agreement between Indonesia & Australia as detailed by this agreement."

This will be signed by both the President of Indonesia Bolodewo, myself as Prime Minister of Australia and the admins of eRepublik.

I guarantee you are safe Indonesia. You have my word. Please do not deny us Northern Territory and allow us to grow as your friendly, thankful neighbour.

Cottus Arci
Prime Minister of eAustralia