A New Player's Perspective on the AFA

Day 1,800, 06:22 Published in USA USA by Julian Bean Delphiki

I joined Erepubilk 51 days ago. In that short amount of time, certain facts about this game have become self evident. The Balkans are as war crazy in eRep as they are in RL. The eUSA military is a dominating force full of BAMFs in eRep, just like they are in RL. Geopolitical relations are as intricate and complicated in eRep as they are in RL. And, most obvious of all, their will always be people who are willing to do or say anything to posses power.

Not long after I joined, we Americans successfully conquered all of Mexico and Indonesia. Then, we gave it all back. As a new player, I did not understand why the eUSA would do this. It seemed counter-intuitive; why conquer a territory just to return it to the vanquished? But even as a new player, it did not take long for me to remedy my ignorance. A few simple searches was all it took to learn about the dreaded PTO. Once I came to understand PTOs, I understood why the government was trying to reduce bonuses and limit mass immigration. I still did not completely comprehend how this tactic would work, but it was the only tactic that anyone was attempting that had any chance for success. Knowing how dangerous a successful PTO could be, I lent my support to the government's efforts.

Then I started to receive messages from players i did not know. Like telemarketers trying to sell their bullshit, new players like me were targeted at random, bombarded with messages, all trying to sell us a product. What product you ask?

The American Freedom Alliance. Quite a star-spangled name for a political party. Also a complete oxymoron. The majority of party's members are not American and the party's goals have nothing to do with freedom. So why is this party messaging me? Why are Ronald Gipper Regan and Captain Qwark spamming my inbox, desperately attempting to convince me to join their party? The AFA claims that they are the only political party "defending our country and what is great about America." If this is the case, then why is every other political party setting aside their differences and coming together to oppose the AFA's attempts to seize power? The answer was obvious, even to a new player such as me: This was a PTO party. This is an attempt to usurp the government of the eUSA. But why? Why are these eAmericans trying to deceive new players, why are they willing to fill their party with foreign player to swell their numbers?

The AFA is like a fat toddler who cries and whines when he cannot have candy. They cannot get the eUSA to do what they want, so they bitch and moan. They throw a temper tantrum. They resort to using any tactic that will give them power, even if it means selling out their own country. They accuse their opponents of elitism, while wrapping themselves in the American flag. Many of the opponents of the AFA have used the quote "When Tyranny Comes to America will it be Wrapped in a Flag, Carrying a Bible." No words better represent the AFA. The players who control this party care only for their own agenda, not the well being of the eUSA.

Fellow eAmericans, do not fall for the AFA's false patriotism. Maybe you are one of the players who does not agree with the policies of the government. Maybe you want the eUSA to go in a new direction. There is nothing wrong with this. Having multiple choices in who leads the government and the policies those leaders support is the foundation of liberty. But I implore you, choose wisely in where you lend your support.

Do you really want the eUSA to be led by a party whose member's allegiances are to foreign nations?
Do you really want the eUSA to be controlled by players whose allegiance is only to themselves?