A letter from ATLANTIS to you.

Day 410, 17:30 Published in United Kingdom USA by Atlantis Central Treasury

As this is the first letter this alliance writes to its citizen I encourage you to subscribe to this media in order to stay updated on the events that will be addressed here. We will try to prove wrong what seems to be the general impression that each country stands alone in war.

Back to what has happened since the first war declaration upon Argentina from Brazil, that came out of nowhere, until the days we have now too much has happened. Spain followed the example and went straight against Portugal, Indonesia attacked Argentina too and France got attacked as well. There is no such thing as "one country against another" anymore. No matter how hard some tried to avoid this becoming ATLANTIS vs PEACE, it has no turning back now. With small exceptions, every move has become tactic. No open battle can be considered an individual war, but one move in a chess game.

Despite this, we recognize great warriors in this play. We've met huge champions and nasty cheaters. It is a whole picture that shows a world on the edge of breaking down but standing strong. Only time will show us the path we ought to follow from here.

Now, to what seems to be the general impression of ATLANTIS right now. I keep on reading that the regular citizen feels like the alliance doesn't respond as such. This isn't so. There are different ways of helping and each country has to make a decision on each battle. If everything we have is thrown in each time, there would be no resources left by now. It's not always in the way we want we receive help, but it is with the best of desires it is sent.

There has been a void of information until now. The contribution of our friends remain unnoticed due to this and it is most unfair. From now on, if possible, each battle will get the mention it deserves as courage and commitment deserves honor. Our enemies, when brave, deserves mention too. Great battles shall remain in our history and let us all learn from our steps.

Now, to different and great news. Finland and Croatia has recently joined ATLANTIS as full members. We greet them and really look forward to the best of relationships. They will surely bring fresh ideas to our debates and great courage when required.

I'd like to remind all of our citizens that we are no good without all of you. You are what make our work and commitment worthwhile. Everyone of you are able to make the difference, and you've also got a voice as powerful as your sword may be. Do speak up so we can hear what you have to say. Do stand by the country you serve and seek guidance from your government in what to do. All of us, from the first to the last, matter.

I hope this letter may be the first step of a better communication.

ATLANTIS Secretary General.