A Federal Budget: Achieving YOUR Priorities

Day 467, 01:12 Published in USA USA by scrabman

Everybody has an opinion about taxes, how high they should be, how low they should be, what they should be used for and how they should be used in relationship to currency value. Frankly, while tax proposals get all the press in the media (good, bad, rant, etc) the reality is that taxes are just a vehicle for the integral missing component in the debate, a federal budget.

Sure, we can see data on cash flow, or the balance of our treasury, our minimum wage, our average wage, our currency value…we can argue about whether we should pursue a weak dollar to benefit eUSA exporters or a strong dollar to benefit our international military forays …we can argue the effect of new citizen fees when we have a baby boom or the market price of food and weapons and their relationship to immigration, emigration and warfare …but…

Without a federal budget as a goal those arguments will only be of academic, rather that practical value.

The eUSA has a problem that, although many great minds have thought about it and some have even proposed some components of it, will not go away as long as the debate and discourse revolve around the vehicle rather than the destination …a Federal budget.

A Federal budget is within our grasp, many components have already been defined including the scheduled deployment of Hospitals and Defense Systems, a very close approximation of the cost of a battle, the monthly costs associated with our current alliances and contractual agreements, the approximate expenditure on new citizen fees … the challenge that lay before us is to determine frequency of events and then pull all of them into our primary destination. Once established, we must seek, together, consensus that the federal budget may remain semi-static over the course of several presidential and congressional cycles.

One of my first acts as President, if elected, will be to propose a Federal Budget. Note, I said propose … the key is that my administration's proposal may not meet with universal approval … and that is why the consent of congress and the eUSA taxpayer is paramount to success. This is not my budget that I can change on a whim to suit my fancy, this is not Congress’ budget to be debated over and changed with every new Congressional class, this is OUR budget and as such will reflect OUR priorities as a nation. Whether Congress will pass it or obstruct it is yet to be seen as tax debates rage every month, in part, because we don't have a static budget established.

Then, and only then, can we debate the most appropriate vehicle to provide the revenue required. Additionally, the great benefit to having a consensus federal budget as a destination is that we can be assured that when we reach it, whichever vehicle we use to achieve it can be then be tuned-up to achieve that destination more efficiently in the next cycle.

The other great advantage of a static federal budget is that I can propose an innovative idea to eRepublik, though an old idea in RL, that is near and dear to my heart ...

A balanced budget

For those of you that are new to the term, a balanced budget means that the eUSA government knows, and has published, how much will be required to accomplish YOUR priorities (whether that be a battle a week or a new citizen mentoring program) … and when they reach that goal, everything else becomes a surplus … and that surplus can be used for a multitude of things. The advantage running a surplus (or a shortage for that matter) is that it clearly indicates when the dialogue should begin about tax changes.

Therefore, my commitment to you, if elected, is to propose a federal budget to you the taxpayer, with an itemization of the components of the budget. To achieve your consent, and then to determine, with Congress, the correct vehicle necessary to achieve OUR goals as stated in that budget. And, further, when that goal has been reached and can be reasonably projected to maintain achievement in multiple cycles, we will be a greater and more stable nation.

Vote scrabman/PrincessMedyPi on March 5th, 2009

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