[CN/EN] 政府工作综述 Summary of Gov works(Sep)

Day 694, 22:52 Published in China China by solotar

之所以不用工作报告, 是因为公文经验缺乏, 制度也尚未成型。
愿以此综述, 为今后政府制度化 建设带个头。
感谢反对派的督促, 要不是你们, 懒惰的 solotar (seer) 是很难完成这篇文章的。

作为九月 eChina 的总统, 内阁的组建者, 国家的负责人,solotar 在此向诸位国民 报告国家工作。

九月政府与之前政府的 最重要区别, 是内阁的正式运作。
内阁制始于 7 月底, 但是部门缺乏足够的人员参 与, 并未在 eChina 的发展中起到关键性作用。
在九月, 内阁的运作 终于走上了正轨。


组建内阁 , 人员名单如下。

收回央行控制权并在签署合 同后委任给央行行长管理。
央行已经交给 央行行长控制

建立新的国有 Organization 并签订合同。
信息部国有组织 合同签订
国有组织 Warehouse of Welfare 建立
国有组织 Ministry of SinoEducation 建立

在讨论后, 对伊朗的 MPP 提议做出保持中立国地位, 最好在归还吉林后再考虑签 署的回应。
伊朗 打算与 eChina 签订 MPP
关于伊朗问题的 最新消息


在 SOL 军演问题上进行沟通。
联系并正式加入拉脱维亚和 立陶宛的 Peace 军演。

正式启用国防部报刊发布消 息。
在民间资助下, 进行军队奖励计划。

提出部分税率改革建议, 但因反对意见较多, 未能推进。

执行新的 双向汇率控制政策 , 限制炒汇套利空间, 保持 CNY 汇率稳定。

正式运作因行长英文问题, 合同未能拟定而搁浅。

编辑、 翻译并出版 《中国新闻》 《图说天下》 《中央财经》 等新闻报刊。
承担了大量的国外文章和国 内公告翻译工作。
制订了 《信息部运行管理条例》 , 完善了部门制度建设。

接受国家拨款, 保持国企正常运行。 为人民提供低技能工作岗位 。
执行新的 国企销售政策 , 减少囤积, 大大降低了对国家资金注入 的需求。
为新人提供机票、 礼品等物品的国家借贷支持 , 在基本不花费国库资金的前 提下, 帮助新人发展, 度过前期的艰难时光。

讨论拟定了新人信的文稿, 但因国庆假期, 未能联系信息部翻译提案。
以国家部门的形式解答新人 问题。
在汉化插件的开发、 优化、 推广方面, 做了相当重要的工作。
在论坛和游戏内报刊发布游 戏教程。

在九月份, 内阁运作步入正轨。 更多的国人加入到 eChina 的国家事务中来。
建立国家报刊为人民提供各 种信息。 建立教育部和福利部仓库为 新人提供物资和辅导的支持 。
央行开始限制对 CNY 的炒汇获利。 国防部开始发挥重要作用。
外交部招募人员, 在许多国家设置大使。 联系并加入 Peace 军演, 为现阶段连续的军演奠定了 坚实基础。
但税率改革因反对较多未能 推进, 商业银行因合同问题遗憾搁 浅。
与 Juche 的沟通以 PTO 其 政党 失败在改名纠纷和口水声中 终结。 统一的 议员 议政平台也未能兑现。
国外玩家未能有很好的参与 , 发出足够的声音。
由于 Snayke 不再活跃, 没有及时跟进新的 SOL 常驻人员, 使得一些消息严重滞后。
在与 Peace 和 E/F 的沟通方面, 关注有限, 未有进展。
虽然没能做到所有的承诺, 但是我尽力了。
我严格执行了提案的规则, 任何提议都先在论坛讨论, 让大家了解之后再在游戏内 提案通过。
虽然有效率的损失, 但我认为坚持这个程序是值 得的。

部分部门未能提交工作报告 , 本人只好依据对各部门工作 的了解, 完成此工作综述。
因此, 难免有遗漏的部分。 如果相关人员看到, 请提醒我编辑添加。
由于其他人发表的主题帖查 找困难, 各个部门的工作部分统一没 有提供链接。

感谢诸位 国民 的支持和 内阁 成员的辛勤工作。
以上是 九月政府工作综述。 感谢各位的关注。

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________________________________________ ________________________________________

Hopefully, this report will serve as a good beginning of an institutionalized government.
Thanks for the opposition. Lazy solotar (seer) can’t finish it without them.

As President of eChina in Sep., the founder of the Cabinet and the people in charge of the Country, solotar is reporting my work here to our citizens.

The great significant difference of this government from before is the founding of the official Cabinet.
Although the Cabinet started in late July, it failed play an important role due to lacking of involvement. Since Sep., the Cabinet is on the right track.

The president:

Founded the Cabinet. Here is the list.

Regained control over the central bank and authorized the president of the bank to administrate after signing contracts.

Found new national-owned organizations and signed contracts.

After discussion, kept eChina’s neutral position after the eIran proposed a MPP. Better to respond after eIran five back Jilin.

Other details are omitted

Department of Foreign Affairs:
Announced ambassadors for some countries.
Negotiated with Sol for the issue on training war.
Entered PEACE training war after negotiation.

Department of National Defense:
Recruited again.
Invoked a newspaper to announce orders.
Prized the Army funded by personal donation.

Department of Finance:
Made statistics for the national income.
Proposed suggestions for reform of taxes. Failed because of opposition.

Central bank:
Kept accounts clear.
Stabilized CNY currency rate by two-way monetary market offer.

Commercial bank:
Posted feasibility study report of the Commercial bank.
Postponed because not found proper expression for the contract.

Department of Information Service:
Published "eChina news", "Through the-Looking-Glass" and "Central Finance".
Introduced and translated a lot of international articles.
Made official regulation for the department.

Department of Welfare:
Kept nation-owned companies to perform, so as to provide low skill jobs.
Carried out new selling policy for nation-owned companies. Therefore funds needed from nation is reduced.
Provided new citizens with tickets, and gifts, supported by loans from the nation.

Department of Education:
Discussed for the new citizen message. However, did not connect Department of Information Service to translate the proposal due to the vocation.
Answered questions for new citizens.
Did lots of jobs on Chinese-Plug-in.
Published tutorial in forum and newspaper.


In Sep., the Cabinet was in the right track. More people were involved in political affairs of eChina. We set newspapers to provide information of all kinds, set Dept. of Education and Welfare to help new citizens. Central bank limited speculate over CNY. DoD started to perform important role. Dept. of Foreign Affairs got more people and established ambassadors of some countries. We enlisted in PEACE training war, so as to provide successive training wars.

However, tax reformation is failed due to opposition. Commercial bank is suspended duo to contract problem. Communication with Juche is stopped by a defected attempt of PTO it and a its rename. Uniform platform for congressmen is not successful. Non-RL-Chinese did not involved much. Communication with Sol is deficit cause Snayke was not active any more. Communication with PEACE and E/F had little progress.

I did not finish everything I promised. But I did my best. I executed regulations of proposals and any proposal is talked in the forum prior to voting. Despite of loss in sufficiency, I believe it is worth to do so.


Since some department did submit official reports, I have to write this report partly by my memory. Sorry if I left out something. If you noticed some mistake, please remind me.
It’s hard to search for articles. There is no uniform link for all departments.

Thanks for you, our citizens, and the Cabinet for their dedicate work.
Thanks for your attention.

(translated by mariohexu)

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