Tayto meets.Elvis..and the e-Marriage / e-Divorce RESULT

Day 633, 07:45 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tayto

The Voting on eIreland’s eMarriage / eDivorce proposal is OVER.

The result is YES for e-Marriage & e-Divorce,......(Avatar conditions published below.)

Tayto, would like to thank all the citizens out there for the great debates and fantastic support.

So that’s all folks, ...Elvis.T is always ready to attend a wedding... the rest we leave to avatar emotions and I am pretty sure this little bit of legislation will lead to some interesting arrangements and entertainment.

So I leave you with a couple of SNAPS of me this afternoon (as you can see I have moved on from kissing babies!!!.....Politics is hell...), as some of eIreland bride’s get ready to check out the proposals.


1) A Marriage can take place between “ANY” 2 Avatars
2) Both AVATARS will have to be E-Ireland Citizens
3) Both AVATARS will have to at least hold “2” medals of any type (even "2" of the same type)
4) Final courtship will require the publishing of expressions of e-LOVE by both parties in their respective newspapers within 1 hour of each other…(and it’s got to be bloody entertaining for no.5)
5) A marriage will only be recognised by the STATE when both articles combined receive OVER 35 public vote up’s.
6) Each party in a successful marriage will receive a DOWRY of gift(s) from the STATE


1) One or both parties publish in their respective NEWSPAPERS, the reason for the divorce (A fair amount of DIRT must be thrown!!)
2) No public vote required, as the divorce will be instantaneous on publication.
3) Any “newbie’s” involved will be cut loose or fostered to other families. ….THERE will be NO custody battles.
4) Avatars can re-marry after a cooling down period of 30 days.

ohhh yeah , �Elvis.T� sends his best regards to the POETS of eIreland......go RADICALS.