IV Open turnir u šahu - propozicije, prijave (NOVI TEKST)

Day 4,235, 09:16 Published in Serbia Armenia by Sasa Kostic

Bliži se početak IV ovogodišnjeg Open turnira eRepa u šahu. Turnir počinje 1. jula 2019. a lista igrača još nije kompletirana. Molim da se prijave samo oni koji mogu da odigraju većinu svojih partija.

Igra se po Švajcarskom sistemu, 9 kola, tempo igre 15 min po igraču. Igra se preko sajta lichess.org. Partije su rangirane (Rated). Prvi igrač u paru igra belim figurama.

Za odigravanje svakog kola predviđena su četiri dana. Potrebno je da dva igrača u ovom periodu nađu 30 minuta zajedničkog slobodnog vremena. Dešavalo se da pojedincima ovo vreme nije dovoljno, da je dolazilo do raznih nesporazuma. Za ovakve slučajeve obavezno vreme za igru je poslednjeg predviđenog dana za dato kolo u vremenu od 20:00 do 24:00. Ako se samo jedan igrač javi u kružnoj poruci dobiće bod. Ako se oba igrača ne jave u predviđenom roku rezultat će biti 0 : 0.
Igrači će biti povezani kružnom porukom ali se prednost daje strani na Telegramu gde će se moći zakazivati i gledati partije uživo - https://t.me/erepubliksah.

Parove, trenutnu tabelu i postignute rezultate možete pratiti ovde.

Posle tri kola tabela izgleda ovako:


Sasa Kostic
Stefan Mauzer
Dejan Rackov 1999
Lista učesnika:

1. Dejan Rackov 1999
2. kerlc1
3. Stefan Mauzer
4. mrsavibelivojvoda
5. ZlajaPeki
6. Backoovan
7. ultragudra
8. Sasa Kostic
9. Stivek
10. VelAco
11. ristoII
12. Superior93
13. smeddy
14. blagoje Milošević
15. celikikamen
16. eSeM11
17. againandagain
18. Damio22
19. Alversan11
20. vasicakobasica
21. VladimirZivojnov
22. Ratkovo
23. Metr1k
24. Vojvoda Dragan
25. Nikola_JS

Ni ovaj turnir ne bi mogli uspešno da realizujemo bez naših prijatelja, donatora.

Prijava za turnir:


The beginning of this year's Open eRepa Open Chess Tournament is about to begin. The tournament starts on July 1, 2019 and the list of players is not completed yet. Please only apply to those who can play most of their games.

It is played by the Swiss system, 9 rounds, the pace of the game is 15 minutes per player. The game is licensed under the lichess.org. The parties are ranked (Rated). The first player in the pair plays white figures.

Each round is scheduled for four days. It is necessary for two players in this period to find 30 minutes of free time. When the players can not agree the required time for the game is the last scheduled day for a given round in the time from 20:00 to 24:00. If only one player appears in a circular message he will receive a point. If both players do not respond within the scheduled time, the result will be 0 : 0.
Players will be bound by a circular message, but the advantage is given to the pages on Telegram where they can be scheduled and watch live games - https://t.me/erepubliksah.

You can follow the pairs, the current table, and the results you've got here.
Registration for the tournament:
