[Congress] The (d)CoC failure

Day 4,176, 01:22 Published in Netherlands Iran by Janty F

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

few hours ago, Tim Veltkamp published his end of term report. As a former President and now regular citizen, who is not member of Congress for last few weeks, I am used to get all the information about Congress debates and Congress votings via UNL Binnenhof news, which are maintainted by (d)CoC - (deputy) Chairman of Congress. All in all, the Law says quite clearly:

7. (Deputy) Chairman of Congress is responsible for the moderation of voting messages and for publishing the result and details of the vote in "UNL Binnenhof" newspapers during the next 168 hours.

So even though one is not member of Congress, all events in Congress should be found in Congress newspapers, so you can learn about them. Certainly sounds good on the paper... but the theory differs quite a lot from practice in the past few weeks.

Well... let's compare the Tim Veltkamp report, and the actual situation of Congress. As far as I know, the CoC team is composed of MaartenW (ReL) and Mael Dunbar (I&W) - so these two people are responsible for fulfilling the duties ordered by Congress Law.

Now... here comes the first part of the problem: There is no article with the details of the vote, where those two people were actually elected. There is article with resignation of old Chairman, and article, where the new Chairman (without mentioning his dCoC at all) mentions some of his plans - and then some articles with other proposals of Congress - but the details of the (d)CoC vote, or the actual official nomination of dCoC are nowhere to be mentioned.

(As I participated in the voting, I naturally know the CoC has been elected - though his dCoC was not mentioned at all during elections, and he was only picked few days later... but as regular citizen, I would not know any of that. Even though Law says very clearly I should.)

"Not fulfilling the Law" counter: 1

So let's go further - the Tim Veltkamp report mentions three other votes happening in Congress after the elections of new CoC team. The topics are:

Deputy Chairman of Congress
Motion of No Confidence: MoF Janty F
Gov proposal for (training) war

There are public debates on the first two topics (I assume the third one was requested to be private, which is fine - though, atleast on the feed, some CoC mention could have been made, so normal citizens know Congress is debating the topic)...


... but once again, no results of the votings were published. Even though they should be! And as person, who has been target of one of these proposals - if I did not ask one of my government friends, I would never even know the voting on Motion of no Confidence against me started or ended, and I would never learn its result. Just as the citizens do not know about the result of voting about TW options - which are quite relevant for anyone pressing the "Fight" button atleast once in his life. What kind of TW has Congress agreed upon? And who disagreed with the idea of having TW in general? Important data, that we do not know...

"Not fulfilling the Law" counter: 4

Also, there is one other huge problem from CoC side I know about... As someone, who is actively interested in improving this country and its (still in some parts obsolete) Law mechanics, I am known for proposing my ideas, and I expect Congress to vote on them. Last of my ideas was received by Congress around 10 days ago, so somewhere during the times of Party President elections. After few days ago, I naturally requested the proposal to be voted on and I even wrote message to CoC team asking for vote to be started. You can see my request below in the article. If the Tim Veltkamp report has been correct (and I believe it is)... in almost 10 days, CoC team failed to start a simple voting on my proposal, because there is no record of Congress voting on it.


And since the CoC team is so silent - who knows, how many proposals have been lost or "misplaced" due to their neglicence... hopefully not more, as that would be a heavy breach of democracy.

"Not fulfilling the Law" counter: 5, at minimum

All in all, the management of MaartenW (ReL) and Mael Dunbar (I&W) of Congress can be only described with one wor😛 FAILURE. Failure to uphold the Law and failure to perform their duties. We can say about ElGorro (ReL, the previous Chairman) all we want, but something like this would never happen during his tenure. Even though he made small mistakes (like everyone does), he would never dare to misconduct transparency so much. That's why the contrast between him and his successors is so visible and so painful to watch. After months of good CoC leadership, I believed we have overcomed these problems, and we will never return back to the days of not releasing Congress informations to the public. And yet it seems I was wrong...

So I hope Congress will take a stand, and elect strong CoC team for the next term. And I hope that the current CoC team will use the last hours they have to fix all their mistakes and breaches of the Law, and they will NOT spend their last few hours preparing their own next candidacy. Because after such a poor performance, the members of current CoC team should not be even considering to candidate again.

Janty F
Concerned citizen of eNetherlands