International Mother Language Day

Day 4,109, 23:13 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Editor's Note:
Lien en français.

Hi Kids!

Today we will be exploring Canadian language. I use the pronoun "we" for, as you may or may not be aware, I am an e-immigrant to Canada. My home is in the United States, Missouri to be more precise.

On February 21, 2019, the UN will celebrate the International Day of the Native Language. The eRepublik country of Brazil has invited other countries of the game to participate with them in this celebration.

Canadian Language
Langue Canadienne


Canada is bilingual. "Official bilingualism is the term used in Canada to collectively describe the policies, constitutional provisions, and laws that ensure legal equality of English and French in the Parliament and courts of Canada, protect the linguistic rights of English and French-speaking minorities in different provinces, and ensure a level of government services in both languages across Canada."


First Nations people, as they are referred to, are indigenous peoples that had several languages. Many are still spoken today.

Canadian French is not your everyday Parisian French. "Quebecois (Quebec French), Acadian French, Metis French and Newfoundland French are all part of the general category of French Canadian."



The history of Canada is quite complex compaired to their southern neighbor (or I should write neighbour, lol). English was not originally spoken as in the thirteen colonies. "The French, starting in the 1600s, colonised the St Lawrence River region and the Atlantic coast south of it. In the mid-1700s, England got into a war with France, concluding with the Treaty of Paris in 1763, which ceded ‘New France’ to England." The French were graciously allowed to remain as long as they were loyal to England.

So, the English take over what is to become a good part of Canada but everyone speaks French. That didn't make sense until I read on.



OK, this gets interesting.

The reason Canadians speak English is because of the American Revolution.

1... 2... 3...

Have you collected yourselves? Now I realize that doesn't make sense. Took me a bit to wrap my head around it too. The first major group of immigrants were former citizens of what was to become the United States. Those English Colonists who wished to remain loyal to the Crown escaped to the north.

After the war of 1812 the English wanted to be sure that the prevailing sentiment was loyalty so they encouraged English immigration. That seemed to seal the deal.

Canada Becomes Canada

On July 1, 1867, with passage of the British North America Act, almost 100 years after the United States, Canada peacefully becomes it's own country. But now that we are so chummy why all the differences between the U.K., U.S. and Canadian verbage? The best way I know to explain is that while we are related we grew up in different homes.


I could go on aboot (notice how I spelled "about") the intricacies of Canadian speak. For instance I've discovered that those who say "aboot" are not actually saying that. It's most likely caused by Scottish English speakers who immigrated years ago. Scottish say "about" but with a hard accent on the "o" which all but drowns out the "u" sound.

Wrapping up, there are many interesting things to learn aboot (lol) Canada and her languages. To attempt a fair showing would take much more space and bore you to tears. I do incouage you to click on my refferance links above. There is interesting material to be found there.