[WHPR] Spain, PP Elections, Congress

Day 2,858, 17:42 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Dateline: Wednesday, September 17th, 2015. (Day 2,85😎
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR
1. As eRepublik Turns
2. Party Presidential Elections
3. Congressional Update

As eRepublik Turns

Let's take a look at what our allies are up to in today's edition of:

As Erepublik Turns

Looking to the south, we see that Venezuela attacked Brazil a few days ago. Seems like a bone-head move if you ask me, but what the he** do I know? Brazil has secured, won two more battles and is owning Venezuela in Venezuelan Andean. Have fun running up the score Brazil. In other news, Venezuela did manage to secure against a Colombian attack and then win another battle. They are about to attack. Keep running from Brazil. I'm sure it'll work out fine. Argentina looks to wipe Mexico. How many times has this happened? Bye, Mexibros. I truly miss our friends to the south, but until they turn to the dark side, this is their life.

In the arena of actual wars, Columbia had won eight battles against Spain. They recently lost in Catalonia and Spain is doing very well in Estremadura. Have fun beating up on Colombia Spain, because...o what's that up your a***. I think it's our foot again. TROLLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Now, we turn our gaze toward Europe. And what is that we see? Yes, it's the US looking to beat up on Spain again. I recall fondly the times we have wiped them over the years. This time will be as sweet as every other one. We won our first battle and have just opened a new one in Cantabria. Let's have some fun everyone. /me grabs DIO and runs to the front.

While it's splendid to see France in on the Spain-action, it only counts as helping if you win battles. France won the first battle, but then Spain secured. They won another and are now looking to win in Midi-Pyrenees. However, this battle is not over yet, with Spain in the lead at 65-56. Good luck Froggies.

Latvia and Estonia are at it again, blah, blah, blah, don't care. Ever since Latvia and Finland joined Pacifica, Estonia has been a good training ground. So shall it be for future generations. I hope it is fun for both sides.

Stay classy, and keep shakin that ASS, eMurica!

Party Presidential Elections

Federalist Party:

August President - Paul Proteus
September Result:

United States Workers Party:

August President - Henry Pfeiffer Arundel
September Result:

We The People:

August President - Mazzycat
September Result:

Socialist Freedom Party:

August President - Jude Connors
September Result:

American Military Party:

August President - Synesi
September Result:

The Black Sheep Party:

August President - Resoula
September Result:

So we see three changes in Party Presidency this month. Federalist Party, United States Workers Party and American Military Party have a new President this upcoming month.

Congressional Update

Congress is an exciting place isn't it? EdgarFigaro recently filled us in on some of the exciting stuff that happens behind the open-doors of public congress. Today, I'll be filling you in on everything else that has happened recently!

TO BEGIN: Pfeiffer gets mad at MPPs. Congressmen start throwing their opinions into the air. Pfeiffer gets moderated for flaming his fellow congressmen that don't agree with him. Thread gets locked. The end.

Now let's talk about censures!

FIRST: They censure GrEnDeLi. And I had to try to type his name, which proved equally has hard as typing Oriki...Trump 2016's old name.
THEN: Thermaikos gets auto-censured. Until Deepchill smashed the round table of congress with her iron first and put an end to their unjustified shenanigans.
AFTER THAT: They tried to censure GrEnDeLi again. GrEnDeLi decidedly stole the censure-happy congressmen's source of pleasure by openly fighting against the congressionally-approved installment of Aramec as dictator, and got auto-censured as a result.

Surely more happens in Congress than just censure fests. Right...? RIGHT!?!? Raise your voice no longer. The answer is:

YES!: Tyler calls out BeachBunny in IES for putting a "perennial enemy of our nation", on the approved list for citizenship. This "enemy" namely, is "The Thedillpickl". Everyone subsequently throws a fit, some think Dill is in fact DMV, some think Dill is blacklisted, some think they're both blacklisted. Dill is moved to "pending" status in IES and is no longer welcome in our country!
OH, AND THEN: Our Secretary of Swag says that he thinks we should blacklist Thedillpickl, and is quickly shot down.

LASTLY: The opening of another discussion to lower the taxes.

Sincerely, Your Media Team: