[CP] End of January term + Lots of info [UPDATED]

Day 2,633, 10:13 Published in Japan Japan by H E X

Greetings people!

As you know this is the last day of the current presidental term. It was a pleasure for me to serve eJapan in this way. I tried to do my best to improve our country. I've gained a lot of new experiences and met other great people. I'd like to thank for everyone who helped me with anything! I want to share some information you should know about.

JP-ROC NAP, our regions

We were talking with ROC during the whole month, and before the Resource Wars we could agree about a second region for us, but the event changed a lot of things. We made a deal with them about that they won't take more than three regions from us, if we set the resources they want. The final NAP and its conditions will be finalized after the event. We got a promise for three regions (Kinki, Chubu, Kanto) free foreign policy (but we have to handle the determination resetting, as you know the NE law knock out the same MPPs), and a possible tax returning, when the new resources will be set. Other details will be negotiated at that time. About the other regions: Except those three regions which will be taken by ROC (Kyushu, Shikoku, Chugoku) we have a high chance for getting back the other two (Tohoku, Hokkaido) of course if we can improve our relations, and prove that we want to leave behind the hostile past, and become just normal neighbours.

Foreign Affairs

Unfortunately the event messed up a lot of things, and get everyone's attention on it, but from my experiences this month, I can assure you that we have friends in other countries, who really want to help, and get closer to us. Hopefully we will be able to develope our relations.


EDIT: I've forgotten to share it with you. At the begining of the month I asked Nolmut about our financial situation. You can check it here: http://prntscr.com/5osw1r

During this mont we signed one MPP with Norway (10k JPY).

For distributing basic food and weapon supplies 6651 JPY was used (the MoSA team fulfilled more than 130 requests).

The Training Ground Upgrade supporting was a bit fail, because noboby thought (but actually I should have, and I want to apologize for it) about the Gold buying limit. Unfortunately not everyone could use it or got it in time, but for those who could or asked for keeping it for next month, it costed overall 16963 JPY. Again, I'm really sorry for messing it up, if this service will be kept, then I'll make it better. 🙂

For starting RWs we used 13k JPY.

For MoCHE events we used 6.5K JPY.

As you may remember we had an agreement with Turkey as they asked as at the begining of the Resource Wars to launch an AS on them, so they will be able to get a Token for it. They paid the total Energy and Currency amount of it, and gave 15k CC extra money.

Of course I added my 5 Gold medal money and the Endorsments from CP articles to the treasury, to show you that I'm not interested in money nor the medal. 😉

And again, thanks to everyone for everything! 🙂 I really enjoyed this month, and I hope that I'll be able to help my eHome as much as I can.

You can always contact me via PM or on IRC (Rizon) as HEX_.

Best regards,