How to add an avatar to your profile!

Day 2,407, 13:49 Published in Ukraine Poland by Alex Slobodyanyuk

This is not just an article, it's a mini article. For the youngest eRepublik members.

***And let experienced residents no surprise this article. But as it turned out one of the most difficult problems for beginners is: "How to install a profile avatar?". ***

Still need to understand that if there is no avatar, you may be blocked. So, you better set an avatar, before it will happen .

Do all the steps as shown.

*1. Go to your profile and press in the bottom left corner your name or "view profile" link.

*2. On the profile page press "edit" button or just follow this link

*3. On the "edit profile" page in the "avatar edit" section you have to select your avatar-image. Allowed to use ONLY pictures witn the .jpg extension.

*4.Now we need to save our changes, so press "save" button.

*5. The last and the most important step!
If you have changed your avatar and the site says " All is saved", but the avatar picture is still missing, kust refresh your page using F5 key. If it doesnt helps use CTRL+F5 to erase your browser's cache. If it also doesnt help- ask someone to check your avatar from his/her browser. If no one concluding you can't see you avatar, just try to add it again. Start from step 1!🙂

Thanks for your attention!

[рус]Как установить аватар на ваш профиль!
Translation by Alex Slobodyanyuk a.k.a 0m3Ga
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