Day 2,289, 07:21 Published in USA USA by Ioanys
A bit of reading music for your enjoyment


Today we head to the polls. Today, each of us, from the lowliest two-clicker to the Top Owl himself, have the chance to make their voice heard and vote for the party they'd like to represent them this next term in Congress. I'd like you to vote for We The People.

My excitement at the WTP lineup

Want a look at our lineup? Sure, we've got it, step right this way.

As you can see, we've got a solid contingent of dedicated citizens ready to go speak for you the person in Congress. When big issues come down the pipe we'll be there to deal with them in a way that best benefits the country. If lulls and lulz pervade, we'll try to generate fresh ideas and debates to keep our legislature from sinking in to complacency and becoming inert.

So excited by the WTP that I morphed into a different character!

Government is chosen by those who show up, so don't forget to get out there today and Vote WTP!

All the best,
