Recommended Reading 2089 - Interview with the DoE (Updated Day 2092)

Day 2,089, 06:12 Published in USA USA by Pony Express

Dateline : Tuesday August 9, 2013 (Day 2089) (Updated Day 2092)
Location: White House Press Room
Recommended Reading is a direct extension of the White House Press Report. Here you will find links to the latest editions of every US Government publication, as well as articles written by Cabinet members and prominent citizens in their own newspapers.
At the sole discretion of the Editor, interesting articles from the US and even foreign media may be featured here as well.

Dateline: Monday, August 12, 2013 (Day 2,092)
Headline: WHPR 2092 - Damn War Tax; CoT Supreme Commander; War Map
: 1: That Damn War Tax
: 2: Interview with CoT Supreme Commander
: 3: War Map & Analysis

Thursday August 8th: eNPR Re-Inagural Show
Next Show: Tuesday August 13 @18oo hours - eNPR 2nd Anniversary Show

Dateline: Day 2092
Headline: Presidential Tax Update!
Dateline: Day 2089
Headline: eNPR re-inagural episode a great success! 2 Year anniversary on Day 2,093!

Dateline: Day 2092
Summary: Your Dept of Interior Just Keeps Getting Better!

Dateline: Day 2089
Headline: [DoE] Library of Links
Summary: Department of Education Update

I recently interviewed Tanishq about the department of Educations future and The University.

"American University mentors guide new players through their first days in the eRepublik, helping them to learn more about the game (and metagame) so that they can become successful, engaged citizens later on." - Tanishq

MelissaRose: Why don't you explain what exactly the university is and how it functions
Tanishq: Okay, the university is basically a DoE program in which we offer mentors to new players to help them through their first days in the eRepublik and learn more about the game (and metagame).
Tanishq: We teach them about everything they need to know: daily tasks, warfare, politics, where and when to spend gold and cc, etc.
Tanishq: ... as well as additional topics that capture the mentee's interest
MelissaRose: What are you planning to change with the current structure
Tanishq: Well, right now I'm working on improving the mentoring program... mostly re-organizing, but also revamping the curriculum as needed.
Tanishq: In addition to the AU, I'm also working on a website
Tanishq: which will contain information about the department, new player guides, and links to other helpful sites.
MelissaRose: That sounds like quite an undertaking
Tanishq: Yes, although I came up with the idea during WildOwl's term and began working on it a few weeks ago.
Tanishq; In addition, the DoE will be hosting a writing contest in the near future.
Tanishq: Thanks for the interview
MelissaRose: Thanks for doing it. have a great night

Keep your eyes open for exciting things coming from the DoE.

Dateline: Monday August 9, 2013 (Day 2089)
Headline: [DoD Orders] (Day 2089) Central Mont and Bolivian , Hold fire in Ohio
Summary: Hold Fire against Hungary, Focus on Serbia. MU Captains and Commanders please set your orders to Central Mont.!

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Some Cabinet Departments are always looking for more help, and provide an opportunity to get your foot in the door to a future in Government work.
Contact these Department heads directly via game mail, and ask what you can do for your country.
Interior: irule777
Education: Tanishq
State/Ambassadors: rainy sunday
Media: Chief White Bull (Custer)

Melissa Rose, Recommended Reading Editor


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Recommended Reading Day 2089
All The News You Need To Know

A good Election Analysis Article by a newish player
Author: eYoung Turks - eCenk Uygur
Title: Post ePOTUS Election Reaction

In other news:

It looks like DLS will be visiting all the top parties this month.
Author: The New York Daily News - Dr Luis Sentieiro
Title: [NYDN] The bridge builder!