WHPR 2089 - SecInterior Interviewed; Congress; National Shield; War Map

Day 2,089, 00:26 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
WHPR 2089 - SecInterior Interviewed; Congress; National Shield; War Map

Media Staff Writer Irule777 Interviews Secretary of Interior Irule777

Dateline: Friday, August 9, 2013 (Day 2,089)
Location: James S. Brady Press Room, The White House

Today’s WHPR:
: 1: SecInterior Interview
: 2: What's Happening in Congress?
: 3: National Shield Contest
: 4: War Map: Focus on Serbia

Editor: George Armstrong Custer (aka Chief White Bull)
Segments Contributed by DepSecMedia Tyler Buublar, Staff Writers Irule777, Ludonarr, and Hale26

Interview with the Secretary of Interior Irule777
Staff Writer Irule777

Irule777: Irule777, what are the major plans for interior this month and how are you going to keep newb retention high?
Irule777: Interior this month is planning to do many things to increase newb retention. Not only are we offering and advertising our programs more, but we’re also changing several of them. The moving program this month will have NO Limit required to request funds, we’re going to be start a new forum program to give you a bonus for signing up, and we also have Bank Up to Strength Up, a gold paying program that assist low level citizens gain strength faster.

Irule777: What are some other important interior programs you can tell us about?
Irule777: On top of the Moving Program, BU2SU and the coming soon forum program, we currently have an IRC incentive program and meals on wheels. Two wonderful programs that help new players receive money, food and tanks, all free. Here’s a hot link you should check out.

Irule777: What else should new players take a look at?
Irule777: I strongly encourage new players to look through the Department of Education guides, Interior programs, forums, and all sorts of places. I encourage them to join an MU and really try to get involved. Let’s face it, this game sucks, it’s more off game things that make it fun.

Irule777: What’s your favorite thing about being Secretary of the Interior?
Irule777: I love just about every aspect of the Interior job. Being a department few people ever really seem to care about, you get to work fairly off the radar in a more relaxing environment while getting this huge thrill of helping all these new players understand the game. It’s such an amazing feeling to assist someone through our IRC Program then have them come back on again and again.

Irule777: What’s it like being interviewed by yourself?
Irule777: Sexiest man in the universe interviewing me? I couldn’t think of a better thing to fap too... I MEAN.... well... this got awkward quickly. Nice job, Irule, way to ask me a dumb and infuriating question. Last time I get interviewed by you.

What's Happening in Congress?
Staff Writer Ludonarr

The meta/shadow/non-Congress has been in place now for nearly two weeks. While some take issue with a body of folks that were not elected convening outside of the game and making decisions, the reality is that there are discussions and decisions to be made that cannot be placed on hold for a month because we were wiped at election time.

Since the beginning of the term, there have been a number of debates taking place around many different topics. Potential reform of the USAF is at the forefront, with many Congressman wishing for the government to more effectively and efficiently utilize resources.
Additionally, discussion has resumed regarding an amendment that would push Congress to be more proactive each month in passing a budget. Each day brings more discussion and debate in Congress. If you would like to see more, check out the Public Congressional Proceedings on the eUS Forums.

The National Shield Contest
Deputy Secretary of Media Tyler Buublar

I'm sure all of you have seen these little bars on your screens.

We're currently in the midst of a 7 day contest. Nations and Individuals are incentivized to pile up the damage. Prizes of strength, energy centers, rank points, and gold are available for individuals. For nations the prize is gold in increasing increments.

Top performing nations will also be rewarded with deployable defense shields. Admins have said more details on this will be released at a later time. Those who played V1 or V2, will of course recall the old defense systems. It will be interesting to see what Plato has up his sleeves. Until then happy fighting America.

If you’re curious to see what the goals the Admins set for the various nations take a look at this excellent article.

War Map: Keep Pushing the Serbs
Staff War Analyst Hale26

Coming off a tremendously close NE battle in Louisiana, our Servian opponents have taken yet another region from the Grand ol'Confederate States of America. While the loss in Louisiana was bitter, eAmerica, I'm happy to say that the plan is still working to some extent. See, no one likes a 3-front war. So the original plan by President Oblige was to push Hungary into as many Serbian territories as possible. This has had limited success, with the Huns taking over both Kansas and Oklahoma.

Our plan aside, it seems Serbia has launched on a small venture. They look to be RWing in Ohio with the hopes of freeing the state, then freeing Penn state. The end goal of all this being the takeover of NY and Connecticut.

For that reason, the DoD asks that all eAmericans hold fire in Ohio.

Tomorrow we can expect another territory to go to the Huns, and another to the Serbs. We may be outdamaged, but the Exec still does have something interesting planned in upcoming days. Keep fighting the good fight, America.

Odd and Ends

eNPR delivered a high energy show last night. Cerb hosted, Oblige was the main guest. Custer tagged along, Potato and Ilphen also called in.
In case you missed it, you can listen to the show On Demand.
See the topic line at #eNPR for confirmation of next Tuesday night's show.
Recommended Reading is a direct extension of WHPR.
Staff Writer Melissa Rose keeps us up to date about all Government publications , links to US Militaries and Militias, and much, much more.
She'll be publishing fresh editions of Recommended Reading on Tuesday and Friday evenings, and updating them as needed in between.
Income Tax Replaced by Work Tax
Here's Admins' notice about it. SecTreasury Kemal Ergenekon published this article on Thursday.
We'll be monitoring the effects of this new tax on workers, and you can expect an in depth report soon.

"Last time I had this job, America was on top. This time America is fighting its way up from the bottom. It's definitely less fun, but sure is more interesting."

Read more from our President in his own newspaper: Savior

George Armstrong Custer (aka Chief White Bull) -|- Tyler Buublar
"I would be willing, yes glad, to see a battle every day during my life."

Staff Writers Irule777 & Ludonarr, War Analyst Hale26, Recommended Reading Editor Melissa Rose

All New WHPR 2089
SecInterior Interviewed; Congress; National Shield; War Map

