[CP] Leaving Note

Day 2,024, 06:55 Published in Japan Japan by ardishabutaro
Well, when you became CP and do your mandate better then you can, tomorrow you'll see your country grow up. And first part of you will say: "Good job Shabutaro, you did a great job."
That's really cool satisfaction better then every medal in game..
- Rik Daphnee
(Thanks Rik, i already know what it means now)

I wish i summarized it well, even the detailed one

First we will talk about my promise:
To create money as much as possible
Thank you for all of effort from our citizens, from buying Japanese product, especially when big event/new mission from plato. We achieved more than 70k this month, and still counting from tax, enough for our 6 MPP (Thailand, Chile, Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, and Macedonia). We have surplus this month, not too much, but enough to supply for next CP campaign.
For orgs, i am sorry to tell you that MM transaction didn't profitable as expected. But yeah we still have a few from it. In the end, we have some "gift" in orgs, so i think it is more than enough for next government.
What about our cheaper price program? Well, it works well at first 1-2 weeks from my term. But, we have a lot of trouble by plato, destroying the market (tanks became more expensive than before in 1-2 weeks), but i think for some reason our achievement in this program are 70% success from what i expected.
Team MoF still creating their Accountability report as their Final Report. So, stay tuned ^.^


To strengthen our relationship with allies
Well, this is too abstract to explained 🙁 But, at least i can say that our relationship with our neighbors are better than before, we can held TW with South Korea, we sign NAP with eROC, eSK, and eUSA. We sign MPP with two country from TWO, and in the end, we have MPP with 6 countries.
We grew our relationship with CoT, but still keep in touch with other country 🙂
You can see our MoFA report in HERE


Accountability and Transparency is a must
Thank you to Mii for her article regarding to government transparency. I am sorry, i am not reach your expectation. I plan to do some report every week by MoI, but from middle of June, our MoI resigned, leave our country without public speaker and reporter.
This is my mistake, not to include vMoI as Alector vice, and i hope next CP or myself will learned from this, and someday we can see weekly report from gov. So i am sorry for that.
/me bows


To give fun as much as possible
Are you fun enough?

Well, this is not me to answer, but you, eJapanese that have right to answer. Yes, we give you war (almost) everyday. Yes, we create event, latest one was Golden Week. Yes, we do giveaway for our kohai, and yes we give cheaper price at market as possible as we can.
One thing that we cannot achieved this month is only we cannot held "war-together" event. That was a flaw in my term. But in generally, as my view, we are successful enough this month on this criteria.

Gov conflict with Darshu regarding to 250k in orgs
Well, as you know, Plato give 100% authority to CP to have all orgs in the country, including the money. Since there is no agreement for orgs rent from gov to Darshu, it is clear that the money are the part of Orgs, and it is government money at the moment.
But, don't worry Darshu. If someday you become CP or at least MoF, you can get back "your" money, as game mechanic promised to you.

What will i do next?
As i stated in my political move, i decided to full support Ceda in this CP election. That was a man promise, and even i respect much to the other candidate, i cannot change this fact.
I think 1 month is enough for me, even i think my term is not successful enough. This is my first and (maybe) my last try. But, i hope someday i will run again as CP, if eJapan need me again (and i have spare time, ofc) 😃
My craziest plan: I will run at November and December, not this year, maybe 2014 or 2015; we will TW with Russia in north (Hokkaido), and South Korea in south (Kyushu). At 7 December (ya, you all know that day), early morning, we will launch our first and last Airstrike we can use. For which country? You know well o.o

May eJapan live Ten Thousand Years!

- eJapan CP, May 2013