[MoJo4CP]Foreign Affairs Policy

Day 1,928, 15:55 Published in Australia Canada by Molly Jo

A little History
Before I talk about my F.A. policy, I have a little story for you. During the end of Ranger Bob's term as CP/PM, members of the cabinet, including myself, were discussing the possibility of CoT. This stance I took into my rather lacking effort of a December Campaign, as history shows Greg MaCGregor won the election, and the path to Cot began, it was a long dreadfully quiet month in terms of information given to the public. By the next CP campaign season we had an agreement with Chile, and were to move toward CoT, that next election was won by Xavier Griffith, and I became Deputy Prime Minister. I was back in the cabinet with a full role again, and back to working with a plan I supported at the end of Ranger Bob's term.

So as so many know, toward the end of XG's term our treaty fell apart, for my involvement, I can with 100% certainty say that the government of Australia did not do as we were accused of doing by Chile, the USA, and who ever else said the whole of the cabinet wanted to end the deal.

This drama brought the end to any possible XG re-election campaign, so I was without a job once more, I don't really count the Senate, as I don't enjoy that work. Tim Holtz was elected CP/PM and from the outside looking in and from what info was given to the Senate, he has pursued justice from the CoT Court, something I hope works out during the course of the next CP term whether I am elected or not.

My Foreign Affairs Policy
As my history story should show, I am a supporter of Australia being at least friendly with CoT. If elected I will ask my Foreign Affairs staff to reach out to CoT countries so that if the Court should rule in our favor or at least rule to re-enstate the agreement we had in place, that if this happens we can quickly sign MPP's with these countries we will have reached out too. If elected an no decision comes, at the very least the channels will be open for the next CP. If elected and the Court rules against us and it becomes completely impossible for peace, we will have contingency plans and will have to pursue other options and hope to find away to get back our country. Contingency options that will be looked into include contacting TWO nations. Or taking the approach of MPPing nations who truly want to be our friends, this could be a long road, but sometimes alliances fail, and you can only count on friends. These Options would only be exercised if all fails with CoT. For Any option to succeed the Foreign affairs team as a whole will be put to work, they will work on the same page toward a common goal.

For More on what our military will be doing, stay tuned for my Article on Military Affairs.

Cabinet Jobs
If you wish to be apart of my possible cabinet message me with what area of the cabinet you are interested in. I want a hard working cabinet, that will get a lot of work done. For my Writing team, they will be expected to release a news update every 3 days.
