Buy&Sell weapons in eRussia - cold offshore with hot drinks!

Day 1,843, 06:18 Published in Russia Russia by Mr. Alex Great
копипаст старой статьи, пояснения внизу.

eRussia is a weapon tax haven now. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is. VAT for weapon is 1%, import tax is 1% also. Weapon prices (first of all, Q7 tanks) are still steadily falling down and become lower than according prices in majority of New World countries.

I have to add that you can compensate your transfer cost buying just few tens of Q7 tanks. It means that working on supply for your MU or preparing for remarkable battle you may save considerable sum or buy more weapon for the same money.

We do the best we can to create favorable trade regime for foreign citizens on our market.
eRussian government invites you to stay active player on our market. We will be glad to see new buyers and new sellers both.

Welcome to eRussia - cold offshore with hot drinks!

Destinations to fly:
Moscow: A3
Western Siberia: A4
Far Eastern: A5

chain shout:
Buy&Sell weapons in eRussia! Import Tax 1% VAT 1%

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