Grumpy OLD Men: 2nd Edition

Day 1,801, 17:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sweet Drinker

The world is filled with grumpy old men.
MU's are built upon them.
Large countries are run by them.
Alliances are commanded by grumpy old men.
Even the women are grumpy old men!

Seems being old is something to be ashamed of these days.
We’re inflexible.
Hung up on our RL beliefs.
Too nationalistic to accept change.
or so we're lead to believe…

So there’s this new plan.
Merge two nations into one.
It’ll be an unstoppable machine!

First off, this is not a new idea. PTO’d nations have agreed to absorption by a larger neighbor.
It’s been suggested that a large nation absorb several nations creating a ‘Super Nation.

It’s not too surprising to see this Canadian absorption of Ireland being suggested atm.

A grumpy old man might look around here atm and wonder if this plan wasn’t set a’boot quite awhile ago.

A Canadian player infiltrated our government and hamstrung our community.
And our capital is getting through a lot of syrup these days.

You could forgive a foreign ambassador if they got confused as to which country they were actually in while talking to our key ministers!

Not insinuating anything ofc.

But I conspiracy theorist could give themselves an aneurism.

So how a’boot this merger anyway?
What say we all cash in our passports, become Canadians?

By combining our population with Canada’s we’ll become much more powerful.
How much more powerful you ask?
I’ll illustrate how it will work:

600Canadians + 200Irish == 800fighters
After merger:
600Canadians +200IrishCanadians == 37,438,615.01fighters

So atleast we know the math behind the premise is sound…

We must also factor in our expanded avenues with which we can aid our allies.
CanadianMPP's - IrishMPP's = ..ohwait.

On top of that we’ll be able to coordinate our strikes much better.
Because once we become eCanadian citizens we’ll all have our RL schedules shifted 6 timezones to North American time so we can be online at the same time as our Canadian brethren.

There’ll also be all those extra supplies from the government.
I can personally vouch for Canada’s superior supply capacity.
The Canadian Supply Master was always contacting me to ask how we managed to distribute so prolifically. A cunning plan to hide the true power of their supply system.

Besides, our supply system is shut down due to the theft of our treasury.
And ofc, we could never ever just rebuild that again. Never ever.

We’ll also benefit from being able to open up less fronts against our enemies.
Which will be great cuz we all know how in a complicated invasion scenario extra strategic OPTIONS just needlessly confuse the situation.

*Since North America is never invaded by multiple nations simultaneously we needn’t concern ourselves with the fact that multiple targets will have atleast 24hrs notice as to where we intend to concentrate because we only have 1 NE..
*Strategic blocking will become a thing of the past (for us anyway)
*NE breaking too
We’ll just be one big predictable blob on the map. Our enemies should be thoroughly discouraged by that.

This is all much better than our current two country system.
*As we all know Ireland is significantly smaller than Canada, making it much harder for our alliance to channel damage through our MPP network. o0
*Blocking, breaking, pronging have never definitively proved themselves effective tactics anyway...

Then there are the economic bonuses to consider. We’ll have more resources.
All my Canadian friends assure me the economy is much better in eCanada.
They can ALMOST make a profit.

We mustn’t forget the allure of joining Canadian politics either.
Countless hours arguing over the technicalities of legislation created outside the game to while away the winter days. I fondly remember when Congressman in eIreland had their votes struck off the record because they didn’t cast them in Irish. When you got a warning for referring to Congress as “Congress”.
How I miss that petty $hit…

With this litany of reasons for us to become Canadians, the only thing left to consider is what becomes of the newly hollowed out eIreland?

*Well first off, now that medal hunting has gone entirely out of fashion, constant RW’s by medal hunters won’t be a problem for us.
*Any nation invading us wouldn’t dare use RW’s of Irish natural regions against us.
*All the New Citizens born Irish will see that their country is occupied by Canada, ask what’s being done about it, and upon hearing we sold it out, become enlivened to continue playing.

Against us

Who they will refer to

As traitors to our country.

*But that won’t be a big concern. Because when word gets out there is a nation ‘up for grabs’, our time will be spent dealing with the new hostile Irish nation on our border, under control of foreign players’ multies. The opportunity to create an advanced front on the North American border pretty well assures that what few Irish spawn in the former republic will be drowned out by a legion of Serbians.

I could seriously go on for hours on this, but all the sarcasm is wearing me out

Ofc this is all just hypothetical.
You know how us grumpy old men hate to move house anyway 😉