America, youve been SPOLANDED!

Day 1,704, 15:43 Published in North Macedonia Thailand by deleted smee
Goodevening eRepublikans,

Ten days ago I revealed the secret ONE HQ logs which showed how ONE was planning to turn Brazil and USA into pro-ONE countries. These log's were conclusive proof of the secret SPOLISH plot and yet the USA government continued to negotiate with both Poland and Spain. As a culmination of these negotiations two days ago Spain "officially" left ONE. But you know what, it doesn't matter what somebody says, it's what they do that matters. Do not be fooled, until Spain drops it's ONE MPP's it remains a ONE country just like all the other PRO-ONE countries.

Regarding these ONE MPP's let's see what the ex-SG of ONE and current president of Spain, Serguma AKA siddy, has to say about this. The following is a post from the Spanish eRepublik webboard from two days ago, the same day Spain signed the MPP with America.

Click here for larger.

Let me say it one more time incase you didn't read it, Friend, we will keep the MPP's with ONE.

That's right, the USA declared NE on Canada knowingly cancelling all their MPP's with Terra and EDEN. The USA then signed an MPP with Spain and what does Spain plan to do? SPAIN HAS NO PLANS TO STOP SIGNING MPP'S WITH ONE!

Spain you've conviced me, you left ONE alright... and pig's can fly.

Since the USA and Spain signed an MPP two days ago, Spain has signed an MPP with Slovakia and now the Spanish president propsed an MPP with Bulgaria. What? Bulgaria? Isn't Bulgaria in the Balkans? Wasn't the whole reason for this "new alliance" to not MPP Balkan countries?

Yes that's right, the Spanish CP proposed an MPP to Bulgaria and it also seems that Serbia is in talks right now with America for an MPP as well.

America, you've been duped.

You've been bamboozled,
You've been deceived,
You've been hornswaggled...

You've been SPOLANDED!

A fan of Plato's,
smee again.