Some suggestions for the Nuclear War!

Day 1,653, 06:42 Published in China China by crazymi

It seems that the new "Nuke" brings a storm to all of us.

Just look at this battle:

Although Admin only mentioned it as "Bombs",

We all know what it is 😉

(well, maybe admins are considering for a "real" nuke for us...god knows :/)

Therefore, to make it become more like a "Strategic Arms",

I would like to see it have more special effect than only change in graphics.

"All the players can't shoot in the 30 second after the bomb used"

Since we will get alarm before the bomb truly explode, we can set a count even it is the last minute of the battle.

Beside, Make the nuke transferable is also a good idea (at least I think so XD)

The CH hunter can collect the nuke, then sell it to someone for money or to the country as a country "Strategic Arms".

Let the government keep more power, it can make our MoD become much "Real"!

To make the game more fun, what do you think? 🙂

p.s. I'm sure today admin receive much more "gold" than usual...let do it better while you are counting money XD


The following is a little theater XD

Tole Tomohon: Get away! Nuclear is coming!


Tole Tomohon
: Romper XD

and then...

He sacrificed his life for the bomb...o7


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