[ADF] Join the ADF Today!

Day 1,602, 01:25 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Army Reserves

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is the official military organisation responsible for the defence of eAustralia and her borders. The Australian Defence Force is the only government backed military organisation within eAustralia, receiving government funding to supply soldiers to fight in eAustralian Battles. The ADF is directly accountable to the Department of Defence.

The ADF is comprised of eAustralian citizens who wish to defend eAustralia from her enemies and aid her allies in their times of need. All citizens of eAustralia are welcome to join the ADF, there is no strength requirement.

Why Should I Join?

The eAustralian Defence Force offers free weapon and monetary supplies to all active eAustralians to assist with their training and contributions to battles. The ADF also supplies gold to players under 250 strength to assist with additional training. All you have to do is stay active, fill out a daily supply request form, answer a weekly forum-based roll call, and participate in fights as directed by the Department of Defence!

You do not need to be a member of the ADF military unit in-game to get supplies, but you do need to ensure that your ADF supplies are used for battles requested by the Department of Defence. This is the DoD newspaper which contains regularly updated battle orders.

Sounds great, how do I get involved?
You’ll need to sign up for the ADF on the eAustralian forums. Follow this link to learn how to sign up for the forums if you haven’t already. Once you’re on the forums, go to the this thread and follow the instructions.

Please note: It may take a day or two for your signup request to be processed.

How do I get the regular supplies?
Once you’ve joined the ADF, you’ll need to fill out the supply form every day you’re active.

Please note: Your supply request may not be processed right away - it takes a real person to check it and give you the supplies! If you want to get the supplies quicker, feel free to join the #ADF channel on IRC and ask for them. If you don’t know how to get on IRC, check out this article to find out how!

What about roll call?
Roll call is done on the forums once a week. The ADF will contact you when you sign up with more information about this.