Day 1,549, 09:23 Published in Serbia Serbia by Hoffman12

Svrha ovog clanka je samo da vas obavestim da za par dana krece podela hleba sa moje strane. Koliko wellnesa cu da delim nisam jos odlucio, sve zavisi na kolicini doniranih sredstava.

Povodom delenja, molio bih sve igrace sa 25lvl i vise, da doniraju nesto za unapredjenje ove akcije. Molim vas samo jedno, ne donirajte mi hleb, zbog problema sa skladistnom, posto nikad ne znam koliko slobodnog mesta jos imam (mada mi i skladiste nije bas nesto - samo 5000mesta). Ako imate npr. 100 q5 hleba i zelite da donirate isto, preracunajte koliko je to dinara i donirajte RSD. Sa prikupljenih novcem kupiti cu hleb za podelu.

Hleb ce se deliti sledece sedmice (tacan datum cu izabrati naknadno).

Ako sumnjate da hleb necu podeliti ili da cu ga zadrzati za sebe, pitajte malo okolo ljude po eRepubliku ako sam ikada zadrzao ista za sebe sta sam sakupio.
U mojoj eProslosti podelio sam vise od pola miliona wellnessa i preko 2000q6 tenkova.

Spreman sam da doniram i 300well po igracu ali treba mi podrska. Ne zaboravite, i mi smo nekad bili eBeba, i nama je trebala pomoc. Sad kad smo ePorasli pomozimo novajlijama, da i oni ePorastu.

Ja cu da odvojim sa svojeg naloga 10,000 wellnessa, a ti? 🙂

Pre nekoliko sedmica organizovao sam slicnu podelu. Tada sam podelio preko 200.000 wellnessa i preko 1200q6 tenkova. Sve to je omogucio srpski narod i ja mislim da je potrebno da naglasim:

Sve akcije koje organizujem funkcionisu preko google docs. U narednom izdanju novina objavicu link do google docsa gde mozete da se prijavite.

A vi eMatorci 🙂, ne zaboravite da je novajlijama potrebna pomoc. Ko ce da im pruzi pomoc ako ne mi. Samo tako mozemo da se razvijamo! I ti si nekad bio eBeba i tebi je bila potrebna pomoc da si omatorio 🙂

Ne daj sad da kukas zbog na primer 500RSD ili jednog golda...

DONATORI (spisak dopunjavam kako sam online):
DO SADA: 27400well + 21010 RSD + 16.08 GOLD + 472IDR + 324BAM + 151INR + 3HRK + 90NOK + 60GBP + 150FIM + 400AUD + 700 MKD + 186 BGN + 200 SIT + 6 KRW + 5 NZD + 500 USD

dedaSRB has transferred 1500 Food to your storage.
Borko7 has transfered 200 RSD to your account.
stefanfiste has transfered 300 RSD to your account.
zirafica has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Бен Афлек has transfered 400 RSD to your account.
sawone93 has transfered 173 RSD to your account.
kawala023 has transfered 67 RSD to your account.
Dragon85 has transfered 400 RSD to your account.
GIGAM89 has transfered 150 RSD to your account.
Cemi Kmdz has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
OgiPFC has transferred 2000 Food to your storage.
Zahnrad has transfered 300 RSD to your account.
srb-mareska has transfered 150 RSD to your account.
Amd sempron has transfered 100 RSD to your account.
Amd sempron has transfered 135 BAM to your account.
CHLO has transfered 350 IDR to your account.
CHLO has transfered 0.75 GOLD to your account.
CHLO has transfered 500 RSD to your account.
luka kgb has transfered 500 RSD to your account.
Vojvoda Trivun has transferred 327 Food to your storage.
Damjan Musanovic has transfered 200 RSD to your account.
Damjan Musanovic has transfered 0.5 GOLD to your account.
ivanhoe31 has transfered 100 RSD to your account.
Dragana 92 has transfered 300 RSD to your account.
Insane Barkley has transfered 500 RSD to your account.
Aradjanski Branko has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Aradjanski Branko has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
BaneSrbija has transfered 100 RSD to your account.
nenad90 has transfered 1000 RSD to your account.
Stojkov Viktor has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Stojkov Viktor has transferred 24 Food to your storage.
Stojkov Viktor has transfered 0.2 GOLD to your account.
SilujemRazvaljujem has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Ralle72 has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Ralle72 has transfered 151 INR to your account.
Strahinjic Banovan has transfered 200 RSD to your account.
ZKkobacDS has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
cicamic has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
stevanspajic has transfered 126 RSD to your account.
Duska Arhitekta has transfered 0.5 GOLD to your account.
slobodan0201 has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Mirigellan has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Cvijetin Shadow Petrovic has transfered 200 RSD to your account.
Pleca has transfered 563.32 RSD to your account.
Betxakademac has transfered 0.5 GOLD to your account.
aleksandar Novi Sad has transfered 3 HRK to your account.
aleksandar Novi Sad has transfered 7 BAM to your account.
aleksandar Novi Sad has transfered 100 RSD to your account.
Zmaj330 has transfered 500 RSD to your account.
aleksandar Novi Sad has transfered 53 RSD to your account.
JustSerbian has transfered 0.13 GOLD to your account.
Mendela88 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Mendela88 has transfered 72 IDR to your account.
Mendela88 has transfered 500 RSD to your account.
NMNJ94 has transfered 274.24 RSD to your account.
JustSerbian has transfered 240 RSD to your account.
Bata Busa has transfered 1000 RSD to your account.
Hristijan Mitevski has transferred 26 Weapons to your storage.
Hristijan Mitevski has transfered 90 NOK to your account.
Hristijan Mitevski has transfered 60 GBP to your account.
Hristijan Mitevski has transfered 150 FIM to your account.
Hristijan Mitevski has transfered 400 AUD to your account.
Hristijan Mitevski has transfered 700 MKD to your account.
Isaile has transfered 500 RSD to your account.
Akiman has transfered 800 RSD to your account.
Petar K has transfered 300 RSD to your account.
Binary Mind has transfered 1855 RSD to your account.
Binary Mind has transferred 343 Food to your storage.
Binary Mind has transferred 179 Food to your storage.
Ali Emami has transfered 500 RSD to your account.
Pijavica93 has transfered 500 RSD to your account.
crni legionar has transfered 100 RSD to your account.
crni legionar has transfered 182 BAM to your account.
crni legionar has transfered 186 BGN to your account.
igste has transfered 297.78 RSD to your account.
Gresnik has transfered 200 RSD to your account.
Dejan Krunic has transfered 174 RSD to your account.
Dejan Krunic has transfered 1.45 GOLD to your account.
Dejan Krunic has transferred 246 Food to your storage.
Dejan Krunic has transferred 96 Food to your storage.
Dejan Krunic has transferred 560 Food to your storage.
Aleksandar Jeremic I has transfered 200 SIT to your account.
ScoLLe has transferred 50 Food to your storage.
raseljeniHercegovac has transfered 0.5 GOLD to your account.
StefanusVA has transfered 200 RSD to your account.
StefanusVA has transferred 250 Food to your storage.
Kraljevacki tatica has transfered 1000 RSD to your account.
MANGUP TOTALNO SEXE has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Sabrija89 has transfered 3500 RSD to your account.
Milos Obilic 13011986 has transfered 100 RSD to your account.
Willy Gray has transfered 50 RSD to your account.
Ricpe Moskri has transfered 500 RSD to your account.
Valar Morgulis has transfered 100 RSD to your account.
ugljendioksid has transferred 1500 Food to your storage.
Branjo Ruman has transfered 2 GOLD to your account.
Ljubodrag Srpkovic has transfered 1 GOLD to your account.
Ljubodrag Srpkovic has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Anonimous8 has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
PROSVETNI INSPEKTOR has transfered 0.5 GOLD to your account.
PROSVETNI INSPEKTOR has transfered 6 KRW to your account.
PROSVETNI INSPEKTOR has transfered 5 NZD to your account.
PROSVETNI INSPEKTOR has transfered 5 RSD to your account.
PROSVETNI INSPEKTOR has transfered 100 IDR to your account.
Hanibal LA has transfered 500 USD to your account.
Hanibal LA has transfered 400 RSD to your account.
Serbian Vitez has transfered 500 RSD to your account.
Ziggy084 has transfered 500 RSD to your account.


Ljudi, ovo ce biti velika podela. Ucestvuj i ti.