The Paranoid, The Eloquent, Mr. Pizza the Hut

Day 1,248, 12:22 Published in USA USA by Epithet

Pizza the Hut. Ajay Bruno. However you know this man, he is a man of intrigue, of great influence and determination to play to an agenda. All of these things are quite remarkable about Pizza – he rallies men and has made his ACP into a new rising force in the American political sphere. If his party has the numbers to be included into the top 5 parties, he and his members can now have a try at having a political influence, trying for Congress seats! What a wonderful and powerful story, about the great Pizza the Hut!

If only this were so innocent and pure.

His history stretches far and wide into ERepublik lore, and you only need to ask those who were there what he's capable of. He's extremely opinionated, and dedicated to a cause – his own. He is an extreme purveyor of his cult of personality, which is something that is rare and powerful in this game. Emerick has his image. Mabarak Ostin has his as well, and all presidents and prime ministers have some sort of personality that they put forth, and I dare to say that Ajay's is one of the strongest. It is certainly capable of persuading many people.

However, what happens when a person has a strong personality? Would it be crazy to say that these people can have disagreements? Sure, why not. I can think of many that have aired their disagreements with each other in the eUS quite freely and publically. Emerick, Claire Littleton, Joe DaSmoe, Pfeiffer – these are people I think of when arguments and debates happen, and that's neither good nor bad, it's just a quality. This is, of course, limited to the course of the game. These people have disagreements but have always kept their trifles within the sphere of ERepublik. At least, I think. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

The point being, this is not true of Ajay Bruno.

“He's, quite frankly, delusional and possibly psychotic. Even if he's not, he's crazy enough to actually threaten another human being's health over this retarded game.” -Cromstar

Whoops. That's not a shining recommendation for the man, now is it? He's supposed to be charismatic, not threatening! Delve into his history, and you'll find he's been around ERepublik for a very lengthy time, and not too well thought of for having such a long history. His tendencies are to let his real world thoughts flow freely into the game, and freely pester and insult anyone who doesn't subscribe to his brand of thinking. If that's not enough for you, he likes to be a pest in real life too.

So, why is Ajay such a polarizing figure? He can very readily recruit so many to the ACP, but has a very extensive history of pissing off others. He's a conservative who is quick to criticize socialism, Obama, and things he probably puts a box called 'Un-American' things. He stands up on his bandbox, and screams of terror and a need to purge the eUS of it's evils – and he needs evils to target. He attacks the established powers and tries to act on the power of fear. He tries to create a sort of paranoia about the status quo, and how his method is the way to salvation and ponies and victory. His ideologies and methods are all described more powerfully by David Hofstadter, paraphrasing Norman Cohn:

“... The megalomaniac view of oneself as the Elect, wholly good, abominably persecuted, yet assured of ultimate triumph; the attribution of gigantic and demonic powers to the adversary; the refusal to accept the ineluctable limitations and imperfections of human existence, such as transience, dissention, conflict, fallibility whether intellectual or moral; the obsession with inerrable prophecies…systematized misinterpretations, always gross and often grotesque.”

To me, Ajay has shown through his own history that he is unable to let the game create it's own history and politics: It is his mission to have the eUS follow "true American" values and nothing else. This is already impossible considering the history that ERepublik has already created for itself. Trying to have the eUS try to mirror real-life politics with conservative vs. liberal sides is a fool's errand. The history of such groups as SEES and INCI have seen to it that this silly little game will always have a unique history due to it's setting. We're talking about the Internet here, people. Anything can happen here, and it will.

Ajay has gone around in his world, always in a world in which he is a messiah, a whistleblower, and this makes him important to his cause. He is fighting against the forces of evil in his own head, and probably doesn't comprehend what kind of reasoning people have when they disagree with him. It only makes him more aggressive, a bull charging through a china shop trying to crush a problem that is non-existent. Ajay has proved himself to be just as cyclic as ERepublik itself. He has already been around this bend 5 times, and he shows no signs of giving it a rest – a testament to the persistent, paranoid and powerful Mr. Ajay Bruno.

“We are all sufferers from history, but the paranoid is a double sufferer, since he is afflicted not only by the real world, with the rest of us, but by his fantasies as well.” -David Hofstadter, The Paranoid Style in American Politics

And so, people, please: Check my facts! I DO NOT HAVE THE FULL STORY - I have only introduced you to the story of Ajay Bruno if you have not heard it before. The EUS Forum already has a wealth of information on Ajay Bruno – but if you feel he's been given a raw deal, hey, don't shoot me, bring it to the forums yourself and refute the evidence that has been presented. Do some research yourself, and come to your own conclusions!