Damage talks, BS walks

Day 1,213, 01:22 Published in Hungary China by mihail.cazacu

Let's take a closer look at what happened during the battle of Crisana, now that we have the statistics of both Day 1210 and Day 1211.

Day 1210
Romania - 54,141,020 Damage;
Hungary - 33,370,340 Damage;

EDEN - 134,135,070 Damage;
PanAm (without Turkey) - 47,817,380 Damage;
NWO (plus Turkey, who fought during the whole day against EDEN and PanAm) - 122,650,390 Damage;

So on Day 1210 Romania outgunned Hungary by 20,770,680 Damage while EDEN + PanAm did the same to NWO by 59,302,060 Damage

Day 1211
Romania - 53,946,420 Damage;
Hungary - 21,402,930 Damage;

EDEN - 118,320,350 Damage;
PanAm - 38,972,870 Damage;
NWO - 81,951,330 Damage;

That means on Day 1211 Romania dealt 32,543,490 more Damage than Hungary. In the same time, EDEN + PanAm bested the NWO by 75,341,890 Damage.

The Battle of Crisana was fought during Day 1210 and Day 1211 so we should now look at the combined statistics of those days:

Top 5 Romanian fighters' total Damage in the Battle of Crisana (Day 1210 + Day 1211) - 37,004,373;

Difference between the Damage dealt by Romania and Hungary (Day 1210 + Day 1211) - 53,314,170;

Difference between the damage dealt by EDEN + PanAM and NWO (Day 1210 + Day 1211) - 134,643,950.

Bottom line:

1) Excluding the top 5 Romanian fighters in the Battle of Crisana we still have 16,309,797 more Damage dealt by the rest of the Romanian Army and civilians against the Hungarian army and population. The Romanian victories benefit from the contribution of the Romanian tanks but their fundamentals are in the superior discipline and organization.;

2) Romania was helped by much more committed, organized and disciplined allies than Hungary. The military structures of the Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Greece and the USA are the largest in the eWorld. Canada, Italy, Finland and Ukraine have very effective fighting forces in spite of their small size (Three valuable allies, Argentina, Brazil and France, couldn't take part in the Battle of Crisana because of the Romanian-Turkish war which too place in the same time). Therefore EDEN + PanAM outgunned eRepublik's alliance of Bullies and Juniors (NWO) by a solid 134,643,950 Damage margin. So, tell me, Juniors, was it really worth it?

3) Now that Turkey is out of PanAm there aren't any obstacles left to effectively mop the floor with the Bullies' and Juniors' Alliance.

So next time when you Hungarians feel like whining about the Top 5 tanks in any battle, keep in mind there are 16,000,000 of additional Damage just around the corner. And that's less than 10% of what EDEN and PanAM has in store for you.

Hail EDEN + PanAm!
Fail Bullies' and Juniors' Alliance!