Grain and Food: A Not So Happy Ending for the Worker

Day 1,105, 16:38 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Marsak Morda

Grain currently costs 0.08 NZD for 1 unit.
It takes 6 units of grain to create 1 unit of Q1 Food.

6 x 0.08 NZD = 0.48 NZD.

In order for Food companies to compete with Grain companies for workers (Wages), food prices should be roughly double the price of grain. That being said, Q1 Food should cost 0.96 NZD WITHOUT taxes added to the equation.

Currently, 1 Unit of Q1 Food at minimum price is 0.80 NZD (Miscellaneous Foods). This means that Miscellaneous Foods earns 0.78 NZD per Q1 Unit of food sold. After subtracting the cost of materials, Miscellaneous Foods earns roughly 0.30 NZD per Q1 Unit of Food.

For the worker, this means lower wages. A worker in a grain company makes the company 0.08 NZD for every productivity point. A worker in Miscellaneous Foods earns the company 0.05 NZD for every productivity point. It is not possible for a Food company to compete against Grain companies for wages when one company earns 0.03 NZD more for every point of productivity.

The low cost of food and high cost of grain will lead to one of either two things, either the food companies begin to lose revenue and fail or the food companies cut wages, their workers quit, and the company becomes defunct.

This affects everyone as the death of the food company industry in eNZ would kill New Zealand's Food Market as there is a 15% import tax on all food.

- Marsak Morda

P.S. There are no pictures because I trust that everyone in eNZ does not have ADD/ADHD and can focus their attention for long enough to read an article without pictures every other paragraph...