Looking to get involved? Join the NZ Defence Forces!

Day 1,089, 21:45 Published in New Zealand USA by Wang Chung

Are you looking to get involved in eNew Zealand but don't know what to do? Perhaps you might be a veteran player who is working with the cabinet or you might be a complete noob and don't know where to start. What can you do to make your eRep experience more exciting instead of just clicking "train" and "work" constantly?

Join the New Zealand Defence Forces! Sign up here: http://goo.gl/NVmB

The NZDF is currently recruiting players. We need soldiers to be there when the time comes so that our borders remain secure and also to help our allies in battles. New Zealand has recently signed MPPs with both Serbia and USA, so we expect to be quite busy in the near future, as those countries are usually engaged in battles. We are organized into two main organizations: The Army and the Special Air Service (SAS).


The Army's purpose is to fight from home by wars NZ is actively involved in or with our MPPs. The main benefit of the Army is that you stay in eNew Zealand so if you serve as a congressman or party president (or have the intention of becoming one), you will not need to resign your position. Or maybe you have your own company in NZ and you want to continue working for it. The NZ Army is a great place to start off your eRep career.


The SAS is our mobile branch. That means not only will you fight from home, but at times you will be deployed to other countries around the New World to fight. If you would like to pursue a full military career, the SAS is for you. The standards for activity and discipline are higher in the SAS, but this is a necessity since the SAS plays a vital role in our military defense.

There are many reasons why it is a good idea to join the NZDF. Some of them include...

1) Community. You will get to meet new people and become more entwined in the NZ community. The NZDF has its own private areas on the national forums as well as IRC channels so you can chat with your fellow Kiwi soldiers.

2) Supplies. Currently we are working with congress to set up communes to produce food (and possibly weapons). In the near future, soldiers will be given the supplies they need to fight instead of having to purchase food and weapons out of their own pocket.

3) Satisfaction. It feels good to know you are fighting for your country and your allies. It makes the game much more interesting when you get involved with it heavily and the NZDF provides that opportunity for you.

4) Avatars. You get to wear one of our kick-ass avatars with pride. I currently have the Army avatar (notice the Kiwi in the bottom right corner). The SAS has a slightly modified version.

5) Advancement. Signing up to be a grunt is not the end of the road. Active and dedicated soldiers are recognized for their efforts and have the opportunity to work their way up to become a commanding officer for a platoon, in charge of personnel, or quartermastering, or more.

Apply to the NZDF here: http://goo.gl/NVmB

Thank you,
Maj. Wang Chung
Personnel Officer, NZDF
Commanding Officer, 206th "Witch Doctors" NZ Army